Monospace font Hack

The Yes, this is a workaround for a Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!But To learn more, see our Required, but never shownRequired, but never shown

There must be a reason for using that. Also, “Hack” is just a copy-paste of DejaVu Sans Mono with a few questionable changes: “many distros don’t package it”Then make it a dependency and distros will ship is, duh.Thank you for exploring the fonts; you’re right that it is easy to assume a monospace font exists when one sees “Noto Mono CJK”.Is there an open database of fonts that helps tackle the disorganised landscape you have described?Source for fonts needs to be made more easily available too. Noto is a Google project which is intended to provide complete Unicode coverage. Yes, this is a workaround for a long-standing (I'm talking over a decade) issue with browsers' handling of the monospace generic family. Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher: 3,600+ glyph/icons, 40+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Typically, the angle is about 11°–12°. your coworkers to find and share information. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under
The humanist letterforms and the balanced monospace design are … See …

if you don’t want to read it, don’t.The screenshots look rather poor, to be honest. It has deep roots in the free, open source typeface community and expands upon the contributions of the The project is in active development, and we welcome your input and contributions.

Have you ever considered using their font as default?Ubuntu’s font is too specific, and it’s part of Ubuntu’s branding. A few cycles ago the VDG asked for the default Plasma font to be changed from Oxygen, a custom made but poorly maintained font for Plasma, to Noto. Hack. Design something new that works well with rest of the typeface and submit a pull request to the alt-hack repository so that others can use it in their custom builds.Detailed build instructions are available on the The following gist installs font-line and modifies line spacing for all desktop font files contained in the same directory:If you modify the upstream Hack source or the released font binaries and would like to install your modified fonts on the same system with the Hack fonts as released here, you can use the Usage details and examples are provided on the repository README.We welcome contributions to Hack!
Please review our Hack is built with the following free, open source projects:We would like to acknowledge and thank the The font binaries are released under a license that permits unlimited print, desktop, web, and software embedding use for commercial and non-commercial applications.See A Family of Four Faces. Entwickler und Designer verbringen oftmals Stunden damit, am Rechner zu sitzen und auf ihren Code zu starren.

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