Rock Elemental taming

The main use of this Kibble is to feed it to a creature that you are taming. You want to have at least 5 element in your skiff at start of the whole trip. If you are the admin of a server, you can spawn a Rock Elemental by typing the following into the console: admincheat summon RockGolem_Character_BP_C. For taming them on genesis I have been using the skiff to move either type to a better location and handling it there. Although extremely risky, the For information pertaining specifically to the real-world Rock Elemental, see the relevant Concept art process of the Rock Golem Type in values of a We want to learn more about how you game! Common The This section is intended to be an exact copy of what the survivor If somehow tamed, The Rock Elemental will not move unless approached; in its stationary form, it will appear as a strange pile of rocks. Species Colossus petram. Body shots will not only fail to inflict torpor, but they will also deal significant damage thus killing the Elemental. The main use of this Kibble is to feed it to a creature that you are taming. Fabled Rock Golem. Lastly, the Rock Elemental has the ability to collect almost any mineral on the map in addition to raw prime meat, sand, stone, and thatch.The Rock Elemental is just the powerhouse of a creature that almost every tribe needs. For example, the Rock Elemental can easily take down Death Worms with almost no risk if you level up damage and health. It will continue chasing whatever it is that got too close until the Rock Elemental deems it is a safe enough distance away, at which point it will go back into its dormant state. If you do want to kill one, look for them on dark mountains where you can easily recognize them because of the orange or gray coloring of their hidden form. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site. When a survivor enters its territory, it will begin thrashing and throwing large boulders. This can be used to hold its attention while another player attacks or attempts to knock out. It highly prefers kibble that comes from the Mantis, in fact, using kibble will result in a taming time of about fifteen minutes. When aggravated, it will suddenly burst forth and begin pursuing the player. Fabled Creatures. This means it stays where you put it and it's just target practice for raiders. When something approaches too close to it, the rocks will form together and start chasing the thing near it. This section displays the Rock Elemental's natural colors and regions. A good strategy in order to knock one out consistently is to have a tribe mate ride a Paracer with a platform saddle that has a cannon on it. At a sufficient distance, the Rock Elemental will stop and return to its stationary form. That makes it all the more dangerous. If you do not have access to this and want to make things that much more difficult for you, then you can use sulfur. You can then hit the Rock Elemental and have it chase you around while you are firing the cannon at it. Both the regular and the Rubble Golem variant takes damage from metal arrows. Taming [edit | edit source] Can be tamed by using a Rock Elemental Token: method reduce health to a low level and then use the token from your hotbar, this will temporarily turn the elemental into a friendly tame that can be ordered and mounted. For demonstration, the regions below are colored This information can be used to alter the X-Rock Elemental's regions by entering

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