Broke broken 違い

「broke」とは「無一文」という意味になります。二つの使い方があります。それは「be broke」と「go broke」です。「go broke」の意味は「破産した」という意味に近いです。「go bankrupt」や「have no money」という言い方もありますが、「broke」に比べると、よりフォーマルなフレーズです。

"Brokenhaving periods of silence scattered throughout; not regularly continuous.BrokenDisconnected, no longer open or carrying traffic.BrokenBadly designed or implemented. "He was broke and rendered unfit to serve His Majesty at sea.

"BrokenGrammatically non-standard, especially as a result of being produced by a non-native speaker.BrokenCompletely defeated and dispirited; shattered; destroyed.

新しい洗濯機がもう壊れちゃったんだ。 We will have to take the students by train.

My car broke down on the way to the way to work this morning.

彼の足は折れています。これを過去にして2、His leg broke. "This is the most broken application I've seen in a long time. ''"BrokeBroke off, rich, wealthyBrokePaper or board that is discarded and repulped during the manufacturing process.BrokeA fragment, remains, a piece broken off.Brokeninflection of break||past|partBrokenFragmented, in separate pieces.BrokenFractured; having the bone in pieces. Broke (adjective) Emotionally shattered, humbled or crushed. "broken promises of neutrality""broken vows""the broken covenant"BrokenNon-functional; not functioning properly. "dead broke; flat broke"BrokeBroken.

彼の足は折れています。 これを過去にして 2、His leg broke.

""the ground was littered with broken bones""ux|en|One recent morning the team had to replace a broken weather research station.

Broken. 私はある程度英語のわかる人には、あえて英英辞典をオススメします。 最近のレッスンで出てきたのが、「壊れる」という単語。さぁ、この2つは何が違うの?ということでまず和英を引くと例えば、話の内容が、高い棚から花瓶が落ちて割れた「英英辞典で同じ単語を引くと:■verb【IN PIECES】1 ~(sth)(in/into sth)■verb[VN]to harm or spoil sth/sb:The fire badly damaged the town hall.

"Tomorrow: broken skies.

Broke (noun) Paper or board that is discarded and repulped during the manufacturing process.

Broke (adjective) Demoted, deprived of a commission. "BrokenDashed, made up of short lines with small gaps between each one and the next.BrokenInterrupted; not continuous.BrokenFive-obscured by clouds; incompletely covered by clouds.

& p. p. of Break.BrokenSeparated into parts or pieces by violence; divided into fragments; as, a broken chain or rope; a broken dish.BrokenDisconnected; not continuous; also, rough; uneven; as, a broken surface.BrokenFractured; cracked; disunited; sundered; strained; apart; as, a broken reed; broken friendship.BrokenMade infirm or weak, by disease, age, or hardships.BrokenSubdued; humbled; contrite.BrokenSubjugated; trained for use, as a horse.BrokenCrushed and ruined as by something that destroys hope; blighted.BrokenNot carried into effect; not adhered to; violated; as, a broken promise, vow, or contract; a broken law.BrokenRuined financially; incapable of redeeming promises made, or of paying debts incurred; as, a broken bank; a broken tradesman.BrokenImperfectly spoken, as by a foreigner; as, broken English; imperfectly spoken on account of emotion; as, to say a few broken words at parting.Brokelacking funds;"`skint' is a British slang term"Brokenphysically and forcibly separated into pieces or cracked or split; or legally or emotionally destroyed;"a broken mirror""a broken tooth""a broken leg""his neck is broken""children from broken homes""a broken marriage""a broken heart"Brokennot continuous in space, time, or sequence or varying abruptly;"broken lines of defense""a broken cable transmission""broken sleep""tear off the stub above the broken line""a broken note""broken sobs"Brokensubdued or brought low in condition or status;"brought low""a broken man""his broken spirit"Broken(especially of promises or contracts) having been violated or disregarded;"broken (or unkept) promises""broken contracts"Brokentamed or trained to obey;"a horse broken to the saddle""this old nag is well broken in"Brokentopographically very uneven;"broken terrain""rugged ground"Brokenimperfectly spoken or written;"broken English"Brokenthrown into a state of disarray or confusion;"troops fleeing in broken ranks""a confused mass of papers on the desk""the small disordered room""with everything so upset"Brokenweakened and infirm;"broken health resulting from alcoholism"Brokendestroyed financially;"the broken fortunes of the family"Brokenout of working order (`busted' is an informal substitute for `broken');"a broken washing machine""the coke machine is broken""the coke machine is busted"Brokendiscontinuous;"broken clouds""broken sunshine"Brokenlacking a part or parts;"a broken set of encyclopedia"

英語 - とある問題からです。 1、His leg is broken.

brokeは無一文で、brokenは壊れている意味ですね。ちなみに、後者は物理的でもメンタル的な壊れでも使えます。broken-heartedなんて言うのはメンタルな方で「傷心の」。でも、物理的に心臓が壊れている意味でbroken-heartedを使った例ってあるのだろうか?(笑) グロいことは間違いなさそう。 "My arm is broken! Broke (adjective) Broke off, rich, wealthy.

"rfquote-sense|en"BrokenUneven.BrokenOverpowered; overly powerful; too powerful.BrokeTo transact business for another.BrokeTo act as procurer in love matters; to pimp.Brokeimp. "BrokeEmotionally shattered, humbled or crushed.BrokeDemoted, deprived of a commission. File:One recent morning the team had to replace a broken weather research station.ogg"BrokenSplit or ruptured. "BrokenBreached; violated; not kept. "broke"と"damage"のように似ている単語は英和で引いても違いがあまりハッキリしないことがあります。そういうときに英英辞典を引くことをオススメする理由、調べて出てきたものをどう読むかを書いて …

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ここで面白いのはbreakには「上記の例では、damageでもbreakでもどちらも間違いとは言えませんが、damageだとしっかり割れてしまったのかどうかまではわからず、breakならば確実、というところでしょうか。 このように、簡単な単語でも詳しく知りたいときに、英英辞典はとても便利なツールなのです。電子事典を持っていて、英英が入っているけど実は使ったことがない、という人も、これを機にどんどん引いてみましょう!

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