Shonen Jump raw

Baseball continued to be a common theme with new long-running series like Akutare Kyojin and Susume!! 週刊少年マガジン 2020年34号 [Weekly Shonen Magazine 2020-34] While it was selling relatively well (in comparison to the 70's), it was a now a magazine losing its audience rather than gaining a new one and most of the defining creators of the era had not been in the magazine before the 90's, with only a few from the late 80's.Several of the major new series were by authors who already had a major series in the past like Masanori Morita (Rookies), Masakazu Katsura (I"s) and Yoshigiro Togashi (Hunter × Hunter) but it was specifically in this era (when the magazine fell off after the end of classics like Dragon Ball) that rookie mangaka inspired by Dragon Ball began to work for Jump, and though they weren't hits right away, the only two manga able to properly compete with Dragon Ball's level of success (One Piece and Naruto) started in this era. This era also was the beginning of JoJo no Kimyo no Bōken which at its end nearly two decades later was Jump's second-longest series, it was one of the first series in Jump's history to completely change its protagonist and separated itself into parts to mostly change things up with a new time period and mostly new cast of characters every few years.Rokudenashi Blues became part of the rise of delinquent manga in the late 80's and early 90's and one of the best-sellers of the genre. Video games also became a part of the manga culture and Jump capitalized on this through the Dragon Quest spin-off Dai no Daibōken which became a huge success in the 90's (the characters of Dragon Quest were designed by Toriyama who was then-serializing Dragon Ball, Jump's biggest seller).Den'ei Shōjo was a popular serious romance that involved science fiction elements and explicit conversations and implications of sex through a teenage protagonist.

9 February 10, 2020February 10, 2020Issue #2539No. 43 October 7, 2019October 7, 2019Issue #2523No. ※ブラウザ版でレンタルした作品をアプリ版で閲覧することはできませんアカウントをお持ちの方は Series that have never been collected (and thus do not have their own page) are not listed but all material exclusive to the magazine is listed within individual issue pages. Read free or become a member. 42 September 30, 2019September 30, 2019Issue #2522No. Es lohnt sich aus finanzieller Sicht einfach kaum, das Magazin auch auf dem deutschen Markt zu veröffentlichen. 50 November 25, 2019November 25, 2019Issue #2530No. Final chapters of a series are generally only given a color page if they were quite popular at some point in their run, but one of the rarest honors given to a series is a fully-colored final chapter.This honor is reserved for the final chapter of some of the magazine's biggest series that helped the magazine rise in popularity, in several cases, their end has led to the magazine having a steep drop off in readership.

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