みらい翻訳 サービス 料金

You will not normally have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). 機械翻訳の新しい常識を作る「翻訳A.I.」。みらい翻訳なら、実用的な翻訳技術で、あなたのビジネスにイノベーションを起こします。 JP | EN. Mirai Translator TM は、ニューラル機械翻訳(NMT)エンジンを搭載する機械翻訳サービスで、インターネットを通してウェブブラウザでご利用いただくクラウドサービスです。 和文英訳がプロ翻訳者レベル、 英文和訳はTOEIC960点レベル、日中翻訳は人手翻訳と同等レベルの翻訳が可能です。 Where this applies, any processing of your personal data (other than storing it) will only be lawful with your consent or where required for legal claims, protecting certain rights or important public interest reasons.Right to have a portable copy or to transfer your personal data: You can request us to provide you, or (where technically feasible) a third party, with a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. Note this only applies to personal data which we obtain from you and, using automated means, process on the basis of your consent or in order to perform a contract.Right to withdraw consent: If we are relying on consent to process your personal data then you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time.If you want to exercise any of the rights described above then please contact us as explained in Section 6 below. In some circumstances you can ask us to delete the User Information: see Section 5 below for further information. We may also anonymise the User Information (so that you are no longer identifiable from it) for research or statistical purposes.

This Exhibit A supplements the information provided in the main body of term of use to the extent required under GDPR.In the following, Mirai Translate informs you about the legal bases, on which we process the User Information. We may need to request additional information from you to help us confirm your identity. 翻訳サービスに対するニーズが高まっています。ビジネス文書などの専門的な依頼にも対応する翻訳代行選択のポイントとは?注目のクラウド・オンラインサービスの特徴やネイティブチェックなどのオプションを含め、個人・企業向けの各種サービスを比較します。 アンダーソン・毛利・友常法律事務所の協力を得てみらい翻訳が日中の法務専用機械翻訳エンジンを開発 詳細はこちらアクセスサービスや会社に関するご質問など、株式会社みらい翻訳 Mirai Translate, Inc.© MiraiTranslate All Rights Reserved. If your objection is to direct marketing, we must always stop.Right to restrict how your personal data is used: You can limit how we use your personal data in certain circumstances. For example, we often have to retain basic information about our customers for a mandatory period of time after they cease being customers in order to comply with our tax law obligations. みらい翻訳、Mirai Translatorをテレワーク環境で利用可能なサービスを正式提供開始(2020年6月3日) みらい翻訳、「Mirai Translator」に多言語サービスを追加提供(2019年9月30日) TOEIC960点レベルの機械翻訳「Mirai Translator」、新料金プランを開始(2019年5月14日) If so then we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.Where the User Information contains personal data, you have certain rights under GDPR, some of which only apply in certain circumstances. We have adopted these measures to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of systems and services which process the User Information and to ensure that we can restore availability and access to the User Information in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident. TOEIC960点レベルの機械翻訳サービスMirai Translator™においてワンタイムパスワード(TOTP)を利用した2段階認証機能提供開始 詳細はこちら みらい翻訳は 機械翻訳の最先端技術と 最適な学習データを活用した カスタマイズ可能な翻訳ソリューションを パートナーと共に提供します. サービス利用規約(みらい翻訳クラウドサービス)(以下「本利用規約」といいます。)は、株式会社みらい翻訳(以下「当社」といいます。)が提供する本サービス(本利用規約第2条第1号で定義されます。)の利用に関する条件を定めるものです。本サービスを利用するお客様(個人、法人を問 Top>お試し翻訳.

In certain circumstances this right may not apply, such as where we have a good, lawful reason to continue using the information in question, and if so we shall inform you of such reasons at the relevant time.Right to object to processing of your personal data: You can object to us processing your personal data for legitimate interests purposes or for direct marketing. However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is manifestly unfounded, repetitive or excessive.

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