Crunch numbers 意味

I will crunch some numbers to …

crunchは、食べ物を噛み砕いたり、バリバリと音を立てて砕く時に使います。クランチーチョコ、とかね。数字結果を砕いて分析する、と言う意味合いになります。 <例文> Do you have the result for last month?

crunching numbers的中文翻譯,crunching numbers是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯crunching numbers,crunching numbers的中文意思,crunching numbers的中文,crunching numbers in Chinese,crunching numbers怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。 crunch numbers 大量の計算を行う. "One second, let me crunch the numbers real quick." 新しい言葉© Cambridge University Press 2020© Cambridge University Press 2020 もっと見る

To crunch numbers, data, etc., is to process them, for example, by doing calculations or analyzing them using statistics. crunch numbers とはどういう意味ですか? the type of food that people eat when they are sad or worried, often sweet food or food that people ate as childrenブログ Let's 英会話NOW So for example: "How much would a new car cost me, including fuel and taxes?" さてさて、今日も仕事で英語に困っていませんか?ビジネスシーンで使える粋な英語の言い回しを覚えて周りをあっとさせましょう!今日のフレーズは5つ!合わせて読むとあなたのビジネス英会話がパワーアップ!ぜひ参考にして見てくださいね!1. crunch (the) numbers ロングマン現代英英辞典より crunch (the) numbers crunch (the) numbers to do a lot of calculations in order to find an answer The computer will crunch all the numbers to determine the final score. 数字を使って計算する、処理するという意味で使います。 Examples. 1. Try to use today’s English idiom, Crunch Numbers, in your next conversation!

crunch 意味, 定義, crunch は何か: 1. to crush hard food loudly between the teeth, or to make a sound as if something is being crushed…. f[^Ȃǂɂ crunch ƌƁAvZAvlpĉ͂肵ďAƂӖɂȂ܂B ɂ Ă̂悤ȏsƂ number crunching ƌ܂B ロングマンビジネス辞典より crunch crunch / krʌntʃ / verb crunch (the) numbers STATISTICS ACCOUNTING to do very complicated calculations on large amounts of DATA (=information stored on a computer) in order to find out about something Media buyers have to know what’s going on, not just how to crunch numbers. number crunching 大型計算機による高度数理処理、大きな桁の計算.

Today’s Idiom: Crunch Numbers. {{message}}{{message}}エラーが発生しました。{{message}}{{message}}エラーが発生しました。{{message}}{{message}}レポートが送れません。{{message}}{{message}}レポートが送れません。Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioトピックで関連した単語、句、類義語も探せます:もっと学びますか。Improve your vocabulary with Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioトピックで関連した単語、句、類義語も探せます:Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audio早くて無料の翻訳!今日の言葉 “Crunch numbers” means doing a lot of calculations with numbers.

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