New moon on Monday lyrics

Lyrics to 'Blue Monday' by New Order: How does it feel To treat me like you do?

Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews. New Moon On Monday lyrics performed by Duran Duran: Shake up the picture the lizard mixture with your dance on the eventide You got me coming up with answers all of which I deny I've said it again but could I please rephrase it Maybe I can catch a ride I couldn't really put it much plainer but I'll wait till you decide When you've laid your hands upon me And told me who you are I thought I was mistaken [Instrumental Intro]The biggest selling 12” of all time was a pivotal moment in dance music. New Moon on Monday New Moon on Monday Lyrics – Duran Duran. Shake up the picture the lizard mixture with your dance on the eventide You got me coming up with answers all of which I deny I've said it again but could I please rephrase it Maybe I can catch a ride I couldn't really put it much plainer but I'll wait till you decide / When you've laid your hands upon me / And told me who you are? Shake up the picture, the lizard mixture With your dance on the eventide You got me coming up with answers All of which I deny I said it ag Make sure your selection

Shake up the picture the lizard mixture With your dance on the eventide You got me coming up with answers All of which I deny.

Blue Monday Lyrics: How does it feel / To treat me like you do?

I said it again But could I please rephrase it Maybe I can catch a ride I couldn’t really put it much plainer Duran Duran - New Moon on Monday Lyrics. starts and ends within the same node.An annotation cannot contain another annotation. Artist: Album: Genre: Shake up the picture, the lizard mixtureGet the embed codePreview the embedded widgetCannot annotate a non-flat selection. Mixing cold wave sentiment with the disco influence of Sylvester and Donna Summer, the result was a stunning explosion of drum machines, wibbly synths and Bernard Sumner’s no-nonsense vocal style.

Features Song Lyrics for Duran Duran's New Moon on Monday album. / I thought I was mistaken / I thought I heard your words / Tell me how New Moon On Monday Lyrics. Duran Duran New Moon On Monday Lyrics. More than 30 years later, it still sounds amazingly modern.The title of the song is

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