Reddit Tier list

Don't see an option, thanks!This is perfect! Support: based on performance as an AI team member. At least an A, especially if when he gets GS he is an S or SS.They had Tayrel ranked like 60 before people spoke up and they raised him to 10. We're excited to see these tier list grow though!I recommend just saving the post. Tier lists have always been used in gaming to rank things on an easy-to-understand basis. I have no control over the lists them selves. Be creative, you can make a tier list for anything you so desire. Looks like the tier team isn't a fan of Tayrel.I feel the SL Champion spreadsheet makes the most sense to me. A general tier list without explanations will always be a flawed concept and make people mad. I take no credit for the lists listed, just listing the lists in this list (lol). THESE TIER LISTS ARE ENTIRELY INFLUENCED by PvP and are generally unhelpful as a guide to specific PvE content. This is a simple post where (I hope) to keep an up-to-date list of the various tier lists I have seen.

It's a user's way to "sticky" a post.thank you <3 this is the reddit post if you have some suggestions: There is no way actually they make it sticky :( i spoke already with a mod...I should have added the OG thread, so I did, keep up the good work :DHey man, great spreadsheet, but is there a way to make a copy of this for personal use?

This is a simple post where (I hope) to keep an up-to-date list of the various tier lists I have seen. If I missed some let me know. However could you please have the column headers on each factions to save scrolling up and down to check who is good for what?Nice work, although I see that Zavia has a 10 on Arena while sir Nic has an 8. I will suggest that on my first post!You’re a lifesaverYou have Tayrel as a C on CB. Can you add the column headers to each section in the tier list?I feel like Marqius deserves an higher tier I got him maxed and he is rrally decent also solo brutalI am just keeping the list I know about here, you probably want to find the authors thread and comment there. It breaks down the actual in game information and I can filter out all champs to find any specifics like Clan Boss champions with a 4.8 rating or higherThis is damn nice. I have both at level 60 properly geared and ascended, and tbh while Zavia is excellent against CB, She isn't what I would call a 10 in Arena, Sir Nic is vastly superiorJust to reiterate, this thread is just a place to find all the tier list that I'm aware of. Defense: based on performance as a defense AI in fort defense.

If I missed some let me know. He is much higher than that. Maybe this will help the list makers collaborate to create better lists. But it does not have to be used just for gaming. Attack: based on performance as main, player controlled character in Attack Missions. MembersOnline17,373 members28,760 members26,408 members36,533 members39,403 members Click the "Orcinus, the Keeper of the Lists :PI even commented on that and forgot to add it, Thanks!New one added!MembersOnline If you put it here there is a lower chance that your suggestion will be seen by the list maker.Hope this helps :DCan someone stick this thread please (I do love tier lists) ?We are using the stickies (you're only allowed two) for various other things.

It is the superior way to list rank anything and has no limitations. So I felt like everyone is busy with RTA and because I'm not as interested in this content and am quite lazy to grind it out, I've decided to make a tier list that orders the nat5s in accordance to the amount of use they can see in all the different (end - game) content as …
I take no credit for the lists listed, just listing the lists in this list (lol). Maybe this will help the list makers collaborate to create better by by by Please try to make suggestions for the lists on their respective threads (updated to point to them) above. Still, I think it's rather unfair to paint this as Usagi's fault or incompetence, since we don't bother to read the posts or watch the videos where he explains his reasoning because most of us don't know chinese.

Fallout76 金庫 場所, イ ヒョヌ 現在, こうゆう 気持ち 悪い, 年収350万 住宅ローン 3000万, 気まぐれ 英語 読み方, 看護師 結婚式 余興, ラッド ウィンプ ス 歌い手, 島津亜矢 ブログ Yahoo, エイサー 太鼓 叩き方, ARK ビーコン 設定, ペティオ ハーネス 介護, 田中みな実 シャンプー プロテイン, アコギ 中学生 女子, Home Meal Replacement, 奈良 今井町 駐車場, ファミリア デニムバッグ 2020 秋冬, 今日 の 気温 神戸, 招待状 返信 横書き, どうぶつの森 住民 英語名, 加古川市 小学校 再開, 王様のブランチ Mc 交代, 仮面ライダー ジオウ 47話 放送日, 提案 類語 ビジネス, Let's Follow インスタ, 守谷市 賃貸 戸建て 住宅, パプリカ メンバー りりこ, Am/G コード ピアノ, ジェイコブ ゴースト 使い方, 会話 練習 英語, プラレール S-34 自動車運搬列車, ARK ラグナロク ロックエレメンタル 場所, ゴスペラーズ ライムスター ポーカーフェイス, 女芸人 つまらない なぜ, バレー 石川真佑 兄, うどん ごま つゆ, Ark Mod 入れ方 ローカル, Cd 売れない 2019, 水戸 日本橋 バス, 白猫プロジェクト Cm 鬼滅の刃, 龍ヶ崎 保育園 待機児童, 頼れる 存在 言い換え, 工場 英語 略, ここ から近い 紅葉スポット, エリッククラプトン アルバム ベスト, そら る 生放送 寝る, 米沢 バス 左回り, 糸島市 火事 ツイッター, Position: Sticky ヘッダー, KinKi Kidsのブンブブーン 宮城, 人生 なんて 適当, 大下容子 衣装 ブランド, 守谷 火事 昨日, シャキーン 兼崎 杏優 現在, 天気 広島 警報, 折り紙 花束 かご, くじを 当てる 英語, 月星座 相性 親子, 中央線 人身 三鷹, 電気工事士 英語 求人, 兵庫 特産品 ギフト, サナ 髪色 グレー, 日本の曲 サンプリング Hiphop, 熱海 東京 新幹線 学割, 独り占め させ て 英語, 研磨剤 アルミナ 使い方, フランス語 記号 読み方, キャラスト 温泉 ビースト, 栃木県 天気 雪, ツバメ 卵 帰ってこない, 四柱推命 嫌 われる, ラスト ホープ 6話, 大手町 高架下 自転車 駐 車場, 深夜食堂 漫画 連載, が っ こう ぐらし 考察 ヌオー, 三重県 天気 警報, サメは 人を食べる 20,