Unidentified Mysterious Animal

The Yeti is one of the most frequently sighted mysterious animals on this list.

Top 10 Mysterious Animals Also known as Nessie, Chessie, Storsie, Selma and Seljordsvatnet, most sightings have been of humps protruding from the surface of the water.

In fact, the descriptions of the creature are quite similar to the chupacabra’s.

Initial reports stated that a terrifying creature was killing livestock in Puerto Rico. That sounds reasonable, does it not?So here is the question we would like to ask you: If it is possible for life out on other planets to exist, how do you feel about the prospect that there are creatures still living on our dear earth that we have not yet discovered?
While it might be impossible to pinpoint and claim the real identity of this underwater creature, it resembles a giant sea snake.At least, a serpent was the word used by Robert Le Serrec to describe the monster that he and his The most common source of accounts of unidentified creatures comes from the variety of carcasses that wash ashore after a period of decomposition at sea.

Age:27  On Enki-Village over 5 years At the end of the day, however, what this creature most resembles is indeed what some Hollywood movies led us to imagine aliens would look like.The consensus around the web seems to be that the creature pictured in this image has to hold some sort of emotional value for the people gathered there, which would explain the amount of folks in attendance, as well as the military personnel pictured there. This one carcass that washed ashore earlier in May in Indonesia, however, gives off a mysterious vibe.When a local first Unlike most of the other monsters on this list, the Canvey Island Monster was not a one hit wonder. Now imagine the excitement and the adrenaline pumping through the veins of Nessie believers when this picture crossed the world According to reports, the carcass found by the Zuiyo Maru weighed a little less than two tons and was almost 33 feet in length. Not satisfied with the damage they had already done with the sticks, they threw that rubbery body into a nearby pool of water and ran away.

While many people dismiss these sightings as being anything from logs to schools of fish, there are some occasional eye witnesses who see the whole creature. This little beauty came to the surface with the aid of Russian fisherman, Roman Fedorstov, a man who became quickly known around the web for posting pictures of strange fish that he pulled from the water during his fishing trips.What this image really brings to mind is the question of where has this man been fishing?

It is claimed that one of the creatures has been caught and handed over to the US government. The creature is a hairy ape-man popularly referred to as Bigfoot, Skunk Ape, Yowi or Sasquatch. About 3.5 feet tallHorse like faceLong neck2 feet long wingsHooves like a horseBack legs like a crane’sWalks on hind legsHas paws in front legsFor over a year since 1966, there was a series of weird sightings of a strange creature in West Virginia. Dogs, being the way they are with the incredible sense of smell they have, can sense things before we do. Whether it’s an unknown species of ape or ancient relatives of humans, we may never know. The problem here is that after it was shown on television, this picture went viral. The creature is a hairy ape-man popularly referred to as Bigfoot, Skunk Ape, Yowi or Sasquatch. “We were looking for a place to sit when we saw some people looking at something” 26 … So if you believe that if a lot of people think something is real, it turns into reality, you might want to watch your back next time you’re out hunting in the Louisiana Swamps. As big as a chimpanzeeHops like a kangarooGrey skinHairy armsGlowing red eyesTongue like a snake’sHas sharp fangsQuills along its spineSome eyewitnesses claimed it had wingThis is one of the most terrifying creatures ever sighted. Luckily, they later came back and took the pictures so you could be the judge if they did the right thing or not. Put that together with the long neck, four fins, and the long tail, and we have a very decent case for arguing that these Japanese fishermen found a decomposing cousin of Nessie, lost near the Pacific Ocean.Some nonbelievers, however, say the creature is probably a basking shark and not the ancient beast believers around the world would like it to be.We have shown you almost a dozen creatures at this point.

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