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In 2014, Liquid Ocelot stole Soldius' DNA from the Paradise Lost Army to access the Sons of the Patriots system.

He gathered disillusioned soldiers to his cause and gave them purpose, as he did with the Gurlukovich Mercenaries. Washington actually took office on April 30, 1789, exactly 220 years prior to Solidus's speech. His metabolic processes were kept going via life-support and provided optimal opportunities for the transplant.
Solidus went on to explain why he had launched the Big Shell Takeover and his plan to kill the Patriots. Solidus' remains.Solidus was left "brain dead" and what was left of him was recovered by the Patriots, eventually being put to use in a transplant surgery for Big Boss. He opposed The Patriots plot for digital censorship as he believed that it would be the nail in the coffin for the Patriots plan to control the American population. But he eventually revealed his true plan, that he was going to turn Arsenal Gear over to Dead Cell once he had gotten the identities of all the Patriots from its optic neural AI, GW. He was skilled enough to wield two swords simultaneously. ―Solidus Snake. I will be remembered as an exon. Solidus Snake in his Cybernetic Exoskeleton Suit Although the unit was officially a part of the U.S. Navy, the group answered directly to the President.
On Jack's tenth birthday, Solidus then had Jack decapitate ten of the Liberian terrorists (each one acting as a "birthday candle" representing each year Jack had lived by that point) as the former's "birthday present" for the latter.After Solidus's body was burned in Eastern Europe, 2014, his remains were recovered and flown over to the U.S. However, he lacks the important traits that his "father" and Solid Snake had, their sense of honor and loyalty, compassion for their enemies or anyone who betrays them. Unlike Liquid and Solid Snake, Solidus apparently held a lot of open respect for their "father" Big Boss, modelling himself after the renowned mercenary in both attitudes and beliefs. Which is strange because, why would a simple name of a terrorist planning to launch a nuke be top-secret? Solidus revealed to Raiden that he was his son and his past as a child soldier, which Raiden wasn't happy to remember. The blast would release a large electromagnetic pulse, stopping Wall Street in its tracks and sending the Patriot's control of the business community crashing down, causing worldwide panic. In terms of small arms, Solidus used a Solidus Snake, armed with his powered exoskeleton and swords.The Solidus's suit was also armed with two prehensile tentacles or "Snake Arms" that could be used to grab or asphyxiate opponents, inject drugs such as In addition, the suit was equipped with a built-in accelerator unit that allowed the user to make quick movements across terrain, leaving a trail of flames in their path. Solidus, unable to father children and pass on his legacy, wished to be immortalized by history, but knowing the Patriots indomitable control of information they wouldn't allow this. He holds American ideals at heart and wants to recreate America in a similar manner to George Washington. Additionally he intended to go down into history as a liberator and a revolutionary, not unlike George Washington. He adopted and named the boy, calling him Jack, who became part of the Small Boys Unit.

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