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I do like the theory of neural annealing (perhaps you've heard of it?) BRIAN C. MURARESKU graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Brown University with a degree in Latin, Greek and Sanskrit. He did but as you have done; for you too founded Alexandria in the Caucasus and Alexandria in Egypt and many other cities as well, and will found yet more hereafter, in that you will have surpassed the achievements of Dionysus. I. Newman: But I want to see the evidence. A…similar route may have been followed by the grapevine…It is…possible that…Dionysus carried not only the vine but ganja as well” (Pendell 1995). The actual lived experience of love. The linguistic arguments in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross (1970) are difficult to summarize for a general audience. But I will surely ask him. Bought your book the day it came out, wish you the best. The short answer is that I personally have not. If not, what is your opinion about Coke being promoted as a wonder drug, weed being promoted as a wonder drug, and now hallucinogens. Ancient Egyptian wine amphorae have been recovered from Sˇaruma, which held black organic residues inside containing the pollen of cannabis, but it is unclear if this is indications of an infusion, or merely picked up in the air during the wine making process, which itself indicates at least the presence of cannabis in the area (Rosch, 2004).I have discussed this and other potential linguistic evidence further connecting nepenthe with cannabis in another article. ii. Ritual cups were a big part of Scythian worship in fact, and golden cups that contained residue of both cannabis and opium have been recovered from a Scythian site. It fits in with this conclusion that Posidonius mentions Thracian ‘smoke-walkers’ (kapnobatai) and that Pomponius Mela reports the use of certain seeds by the Thracians which results in a similis ebriatati hilarities… (Bremmer, 2002). And I hear many young people craving that balance. The dearth or absence of evidence for high technology is not necessary the evidence of absence. I've received the request from quite a few folks. After it was legalized, people bought it for fun, like beer, and all the talk about cancer and so forth was over. I also found archaeobotanical evidence of wine spiked with opium, cannabis, henbane and black nightshade. Similar practices can be found among a variety of ancient Indo-European groups, such as the Gushi in Central China, and the Scythians, as shall be discussed. we learn… from Strabo in the first century BC that nomads… in Scythian territory… bought wine from Greeks, and presumably this trade had been going on for many hundreds of years, as is perhaps confirmed by greek Vessel finds in Scythian tumuli as early as the seventh century BC. Kisel concluded that despite having a common mythological heritage, the ritual life of European and Asian Scythians held some differences, notably involving their purification rites and objects of adoration. Some sources claim  ancient Thrace as the origins of his worship, others as Greek. The historian Diodorus Siculus, who lived in the 1st century B.C., noted that still in his time, more than 7 centuries after the composition of Homer’s Iliad, “people say that the Egyptian women make use of the powder (of this plant, scil. I am for drugs being legalized because I worked for the prison system, in rehabs, etc and the illegality creates more harm than the drugs, in my opinion. Interestingly as we shall see later, a number of researchers have suggested a connection between soma/haoma and Dionysus. Soma was therefore deemed divine, and became a Deity, the myth running on parallel lines to that of Dionysus or Bacchus, who came from India into Hellas. The Soma of the Hindus and the original wine of Greek tradition was doubtless the celestial Amrita or Ambrosia. The worship of Siva was certainly then established among other cults, in India, and the figure of the god, armed with his trident, and standing beside his sacred bull, is, perhaps, the commonest mythological device of the Indo-Scythian coins. face Cont. There is a hypothesis worth testing that some communities among the Ancient Greeks and paleo-Christians, amongst others in antiquity, utilized psychoactive compounds to achieve altered states of consciousness. clapclapsnort1 karma2020-11-06 20:31:27 UTC. Have you received any backlash from religious people about the book? One of my favorites! Possibly they were used for burning crushed dry plants or for ritual drinks. I was curious about your personal views on the history of civilization, and how closely do your beliefs align with Graham Hancock’s? The "key" is dying before dying as practiced by the Ancient Greeks (see all of Peter Kingsley's work) and retained by the Greek Orthodox Church, amongst many other religious traditions. As Dionysian/Bacchic iconography on Roman silver cups and bowls have been unearthed in northern France, indicating that the god was well known by the Gauls of the first century A.D. it is worth noting the following French archeological find reported in the Wine Spectator article ‘2,000-Year-Old Cannabis Wine Discovered‘: The ancient partaker and his pot of cannabis infused wine. Dioscorides also informs us that one dram of the root of “manic” nightshade (Atropa belladonna), taken in wine, elicits “empty forms” and “images of not unpleasant kind”, but he adds that a double dosage can bring mental disorientation for three whole days. Unfortunately there is also no reference to any analysis of any residue found in the accompanying vessels. Besides this Thracian connection through Orpheus, there may well be other cultural influences, such as Egyptian. It'll be the common consensus in the future, but it's a bit different. Obvious_Zone_234735 karma2020-11-06 17:59:16 UTC. The Bacchic orgies of the women also point to the old customs of tribal concubinage, which existed before marriage. In the Talmudic writings there are several passages which seem to show that it was the practise to ease the pain of torture and death by stupefying the sufferers. He had a Greek mother, was fond of Greek customs and eventually chose to be initiated into the mysteries of Dionysus. Others have commented more on the ritualistic implications of the hemp-rite, such as Geo Widengren, who was a Swedish historian of religions, professor of history of religions at Uppsala University, specializing as a orientalist and Iranist. But all of this is not our subject, as he started writing and translating ancient texts a bit late in his career while becoming very well known for it. ? Plutarch, furthermore, deduces the Jewish worship of Bacchus from the garment of the high priest, who wears bells on his mantle, like those that were used in the Bacchanalia at night; he refers also in ambiguous terms to a thyrsus and to drums (τνμπανα) which the high priest wears in front (on the frontlet or on the breastplate?) Stephen Herbert Langdon, an American-born British Assyriologist, wrote in his  Mythology of All Races – Semitic (1931) explains: “A coin from Gaza in Southern Philista, fourth century BC, the period of the Jewish subjection to the last of the Persian kings, has the only known representation of this Hebrew deity. I have a 6 part series on Soma, that looks at various candidates such as Syrian Rue and Fly Agaric Mushrooms, as well as presenting archeological and textual evidence for cannabis in this regard, for those interested in learning more about this ancient entheogen. Is there or could you produce a website or list of links for all the artwork and things or that nature you talk about I your book? Terrence McKenna's "Stoned Ape" Theory suggests that the first progressions from Homo Sapiens into modern humans occured due to psychedelic experiences available at that time. We have only to read the accounts derived from personal experience of the hallucinatory states accompanying hashish-smoking… to have a complete parallel to the condition which underlay Bacchic excitement… It only requires the special tone and character given the hallucinations and illusions by deep-rooted religious or fanciful conceptions—and the external machinery for cultivating such illusions—to make an exact equivalent of the delirious condition of… the nightly festival of Dionysus. Beyond the very categories of being and non-being.

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