calcarea carb for nasal polyps

In cases of arthritis of the knee, there is pain, swelling, heat and cracking in the knee joint. -bilateral nasal polyps. If nasal polyps are very big, they may cause pain. A lump-like sensation in the throat may be marked. The Homeopathic Remedy Calcarea Carbonica (Calc. It is also indicated for stoppage of the nose during the night, and the person is unable to breathe through the nose. ... please take three doses of Calcarea Carb 200c at a gap of 4 hours One dose means If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Calcarea Carb has been known to be effective in reducing nasal polyps that are of a larger size. The patient with nasal polyps may experience secondary symptoms of obstruction nose. Calcarea Carbonica is a calcium salt that is used in Homeopathy as a nutritional supplement, a general tonic and in many antacids. Sinfrontal is a complex homeopathic medicine that has been known to reduce chronic sinus inflammation and nasal polyps. Burning and stitching in the genitals are also felt. The ultrasound report showed multiple polyps in her gallbladder, the largest measuring to 5 mm. We have about 4 months before we go for another ultrasound scan.… Read more ». We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered' incurable ' on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine .The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. Calcarea Carb – For Left-sided Nasal Polyps. is from the calcium in oyster shell and is a useful remedy for physical fatigue, muscle weakness and problems due to faulty nutrition. pls, let me know the symptoms all related to the polyps in the gallbladder and gallstones. Fibrous polyp, hard and elastic, pricking and itching after touching or handling; excessively acute smell with purulent discharge. Some of the medicines, that have been listed here, are most significant in case of nasal polyp disease. Nasal Polyps are one of main consequences occure after chronic irritation of the nasal mucous membrane. Calcarea Carb – For Left-sided Nasal Polyps. Phosphorus- One of the best homeopathic medicines for nasal polyps … Specific craving including those for eggs, indigestible things, chalk, pencils may be present. The pain is felt in abdomen and back, it resembles labor-like pains. However, constant irritation over the mucous membrane inside the nose thought to cause nasal polyps. Nasal Polyps Homeopathic Treatment Homeopathic Medicines for Nasal Polyps. Hair fall in females after childbirth is also a guiding feature to use this remedy. Homeopathic medicines for  Nasal polyps acts on the root cause of the disease and cure Nasal polyps completely, speedily and safely. Calcarea Carbonica 30, 200 uses, dosage, benefits, & side effects. This is a well-indicated remedy to treat many skin issues. Feb 14, 2017 – Homeopathic medicines for nasal polyps work very effectively . Nasal polyps frequently are seen in those suffering from allergic rhinitis. Use of this remedy is also considered in cases of loss of smell (anosmia). Sleeplessness from the rush of thoughts in the mind also indicates the use of this remedy. Homeopathy has a number of remedies for the treatment of nasal polyps. The mucous membrane of the opposite nostril was thicker, but no polyp. A stinging and pricking sensation is felt at the back part of the palate. The best part of homeopathic medicines is that it attacks on the root cause of nasal polyp without harming any other part of human body. Nasal polyps are most commonly seen in those cases where there is Gonococcal pus discharges suppressed. Calcarea has the following definite pictures in provings: First is the teething picture, in addition to above mentioned, the gums are swollen throbbing, sore, dentition is delayed. Homeopathic treatment offers the complete and permanent cure for nasal polyps without recurrence. However, the main problem is the recurrence of nasal polyp after surgery. Are all remedies of arthritic coryza and … 4. Irritation of nose, sneezing, and sleeplessness is some of the symptoms caused by nasal polyps. Children who have a large head, large features, pale skin, a chalky look, and who are fat with a large abdomen come under this constitutional type. These arise most of the times due to constant irritation on mucus surface by expectoration produced from allergic rhinitis. Pain in hip bones is present, anxiety and restlessness, followed by fainting may arise in a few cases. -Diana. This medicine is also used to treat increased sweating, especially on the hands, scalp, and neck. It is a leading medicine to treat conditions like rickets, bone decay, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, weak ankles, knee joint pain (osteoarthritis) and spine curvature. A tearing, drawing or stinging pain in the knee may be prominent, and the knee also feels lame and weak as if sprained. It is also useful in cases of mental dullness and weakness (particularly while studying). Moreover, heredity plays important role in the cause of nasal polyps. Calcarea carb is used in a variety of diseases and disorders such as acne , arthritis, vaginal discharges in women, night terrors in children, ... You can use any of the medicine for nasal polyps but better to match the symptoms with that of the medicine. Nasal Nasal polyps most commonly arise from ethmoid nasal sinus and rarely from maxillary sinus. These are movable in nature and non-tender and harmless in most cases. In some cases, blood may be mixed in the discharge. Thuja. Apart from these symptoms, it is also indicated for uterine or vaginal polyps. This remedy is also used to treat fears, where a person is plagued by thoughts of misfortune or terrible thing happening, fear of losing reason, fear that he/she is suffering from organic disease of the heart. A complaint of worms complaints (mainly thread or pinworms, tapeworm, and ascarides) are indicative to use this medicine. You must at least 6 months in contact with your Homeopathic doctor for the complete cure of your nasal polyps. Nasal polyps tin cast at whatever age, but they're nigh mutual inwards immature too middle-aged adults. Nasal polyps can removed easily with surgery but the chances of recurrence are more. The scalp sweating on the scalp is debilitating. Submitted: 2 years ago. The Nasal polyp being mucus, in left nostril, with a “drug smell” in the nose, fluent coryza of thick mucus, with later a thin watery discharge. My polyps sort of merged and balooned up.-----Category 5 Polyps on right side. Carb.) It is mostly indicated for left sided nasal polyps. Flexible rhinoscopy to visualize the nasal cavity and oropharynx and to localize the extent of the polyp. It is prepared by the process of trituration of the middle layer of Oyster-Shells. The real cause of nasal polyps not yet fully understood. Calcarea carb ok? But if grown very large can cause nasal obstruction, headache and sinus infections.,, Dear Doctor, On the recommendation of my wife’s gynecologist on a follow-up check-up, she advised her to get an ultrasound done. Homeopathy is strongly recommended for management of nasal polyps, especially when they are small in size. This is a top-most medicine to treat hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and goiter. This itching tends to get worse towards the evening or after going to bed. It offers help in cases where there are great anxieties about the present, future and about health. I am a Homeopathic Physician. Thank You, The only way to achieve happiness is to cherish what you have and forget what you don’t have. Another doctor recommended a “wait and see” approach, asking us to hold for six months and do another round of ultrasound and decide whether to go for surgery. -allergic to dust,cold, -sneezing at night with fluent watery discharge making him restless. Perhaps the most prominent use is in the treatment of uterine fibroids, where the uterus feels low down with a bearing down sensation in the pelvis. It is in both nostrils and he is having difficulty breathing. What can you recommend for him to get rid of these polyps once and for all without having to resort to surgery? Itching of the anus is marked in such cases. Milk disagrees and vomits sour water, sour curds, soreness runs through the remedy, teething cough. Nasal polyp really looks like a small mucus ball from outside. In addition to the above, it is also beneficial to treat gall stones and umbilical hernia. It is also useful to treat vomiting during dentition. Having any of the following conditions may make people more likely to get nasal polyps Experts explain if it’s. CALCAREA CARB 30 -Calcarea Carb is an effective medicine for left-sided nasal polyps. The growth of nasal polyps usually speeds up after surgery. My son is 5 years old and seems to have developed nasal polyps recently. I am practicing Homeopathy since 20 years. Calcarea Carb is an extremely suitable medicine for left-sided nasal polyps. They also have a tendency of copious sweating on the head and crave eggs and indigestible things. Barber’s itch is the next condition treated effectively with this medicine. The stools are loose with a sour smell and may contain undigested, offensive, mixed, soft and lumpy particles. I treat all kinds of Chronic and Acute complaints with Homeopathic Medicines. It is also indicated for treating sterility in females. Don't touch pills with hand. Therefore, nasal allergy is also a cause of the nasal polyp. By trituration, the oyster shell is converted into an excellent medicine possessing great therapeutic power. The important thing about homeopathic medicine’s treatment of nasal polyps is the fact that a person. He is autistic and non verbal, Would this help with his speech? Sangunaria Can 0/50, Teucrium 0/50, Marum Verum 0/50, Silicea 0/50, Calcarea Carb 0/50. Nasal polyps most commonly arise from ethmoid nasal sinus and rarely from maxillary sinus. Homeopathy really concentrates on this point. Thuja 30 or 200 as mentioned on medicine NB: I did not have good experience with Thuja. KALIUM BICHROMICUM 30C just 2 pills and wait for 30 days. Blood drips easily.Thuja 30 or 200 as mentioned on medicineNB: I did not have good experience with Thuja. Hi, I have many symptoms of low thyroid, including loss of hair and eyebrows, loss of hair on my legs, extreme fatigue, mental fogginess, unable to lose weight, depression, intolerance to cold, dry skin, loss of muscle tone, candida, find it very hard to exercise. Mrs. It is also a top-listed medicine to treat nasal polyps and frequent episodes of nose bleeding which is profuse. Large polyps may block the airway. J.H.Clarke discussed important Homeopathic medicines for the condition. This case of nasal polyps presented in September 2009. Five doses of Cepa 6x, caused the expulsion of the mass, and the coryza ceased. As a remedy, it is used in the treatment of fears and anxieties, OCD, chronic cold, tendency to catch cold, nasal polyps, loss of smell, epistaxis, nasal blockage, uterine fibroids, menorrhagia, sterility in females, painful periods (dysmenorrhea), vaginal discharges, itching in genitals in women, chronic sore throat with tonsillitis and enlarged adenoids, hypothyroidism, goiter, obesity, lipoma, hair fall, rickets, knee joint pain (osteoarthritis), spine curvature, dentition complaints (vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, slow teething), developmental delays, hydrocephalus, night terrors, open fontanelles, dyspepsia, constipation, diarrhea during dentition, vomiting, worms, milk allergy /milk intolerance, gall stones, umbilical hernia, tinea capitis, eczema capitis, warts, Barber’s Itch, profuse sweating, varicose veins. Remedies like Thuja, Nitric acid and Silicea will produce very quick relief and cure from nasal polyps. Thanks! Cured with six doses of the 3x attenuation. Carb is yet another excellent homeopathic medicine for nasal polyps… My internet research revealed that these polyps can be reduced or completely removed by homeopathic treatment. However, Homeopathic doctor always prescribes medicine for the root cause of your nasal polyps. You will look only the head of the nasal polyp when you see from outside the nose. It also smells very offensive and is passed with much straining. Boiron Lemna Minor, 30c, Blue, 80 Count. Calcarea Carb is very beneficial to treat cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) with a marked fear of contracting germs and contagious diseases. Complaints linked with hypothyroidism including weight gain/obesity (abdominal enlargement is most prominent), hair fall, chilliness, constipation, slowness, sluggishness, debility, profuse menses indicates the use of this medicine. This remedy is very suitable to treat diseases of the bone and joints. This may be attended with fetid yellow discharge from nose. Nasal polyps are curable with Homeopathic medicines. Weight and pressure in the uterus are marked. Patient cold natured.Calcarea Carb 30 or 200 thrice a dayNB: This took care of my polyps-----Category 4Polyp along with sinus. It also happens to be a wonderful medicine to treat itching of female genitalia. Calcarea carbonica is prepared through trituration and it is … An aversion to milk and a general aggravation from drinking milk may also be there. Seasonal allergies and the coronavirus share similar symptoms, but there are also key differences. People suited to this remedy are fair, fatty, flabby and tend to sweat profusely on the head. The next indication to use this medicine is enlarged adenoids in children who have low immunity and catch a cold with every change of the weather. Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873.Patients From rest of the world and India call+91-6283487321, Calcarea Carbonica is one of the major constitutional and polychrest medicines in homeopathy. So Homeopathic medicines for nasal polyp offer a permanent cure. In the case of vaginal discharges, this medicine is used when the discharges are white and milky. Use cap of bottle to take pills. Hello, It is a highly suitable remedy used to treat a number of complaints in infants and children, like dentition complaints (vomiting diarrhea, irritability, slow teething), developmental delays (late appearance of milestones like learning to walk and talk), hydrocephalus, night terrors, obesity in children with large bellies, open fontanelles, tendency to take cold, enlarged/inflamed tonsils, enlarged adenoids, and a tardy development of bones. This remedy is highly recommended to treat a number of ailments in females. It is an important remedy of papilies and polyp of nose and larynx. Pls. This may also be attended with fainting. It must be understood that even in the first instance, operative treatment is purely palliative; the tendency to recurrence can only be combated successfully with Homeopathic remedies. It is prescribed for those persons who complain of a blocked nose on the left side. This remedy is a deep-acting remedy that can be taken in potencies of 30C, 200C, 3X and 1M. Dr.J.G.Gilchris has always given this remedy, “on general principles” after the cure has seemed complete, on an assertion of JAHR’S that it “confirmed the cure.” Of course, with what success cannot be definitely told, as a failure to the return might be considered evidence pro or con. Very large antro-choanal polyps may grow down into the oropharynx and can be visualized with a tongue depressor. Nasal polyps may cast anywhere inwards your sinuses or nasal passages, but they seem nigh often inwards an surface area where sinuses close your eyes, olfactory organ too cheekbones all drain through winding passages into your olfactory organ (ostiomeatal complex). Calcarea Carb ranks among the top antipsoric medicines along with Sulphur and Lycopodium. This prescription is given to persons who complain of a blocked nose on the left side. Other attending features are fetid smell and yellow discharge from the nose. suggest me the effective homeo medicine for Nasal Polyps with mentioned Therapeutics volume i.e., Calcarea carb 200, takes 2 or 3times after/before take food I am suffering for over 7 years; I’ll really appreciate if you could please suggest a homeopathy remedy for the same. Teucrium Marum Verum, Calcarea Carbonica and Kali Carbonicum are mentioned. Calcarea Carb is an extremely suitable medicine for left-sided nasal polyps. A. Homeopathic medicines have several uses and are prescribed on basis of symptom similarity. Calcarea Carb is yet another excellent homeopathic medicine for nasal polyps. Smelly white/greenish discharge from nose.No smell. Homeopathic medicines act on nasal polyp forming tendency such as chronic nasal catarrh and asthma etc. This remedy can also help rectify the complaint of menorrhagia where a female complains of early, very profuse and long-standing menses. Fear of death, monsters and of being alone may also be present. Inimical medicines are Nitric Acid, Baryta Carb, Sulphur. This includes Calcarea carb., Thuja,Nitric acid, Sanguinaria, Phosphorous, and Teucrium…. These two are important hydrogenoid remedies especially in the patient suffering from... Natrum sulphuricum, Lycopodium, and Sulphur:. Dear Diana, The menses are also very profuse and bright red in color. In... Sanguinaria Nitricum and Kali Nitricum – Excellent Homeopathic Remedies for right-sided nasal polyps. There is a great confusion of mind, difficult comprehension and difficult thinking. In such cases, females mostly complain of too early and too profuse menses. 31 replies to 2014-01-24. A Case of Nasal Polyps. This remedy has a very wide and deep sphere of action. The chief action is centered on the glands, skin, bones, pituitary and thyroid dysfunction, nasal complaints and female genitals. We have seen some cases where recurrence of nasal polyps after surgery within 2 months. When smaller, not in very great numbers, or occurring in both nostrils, remedies must take precedence. I tried phosporus, it was not good. Very sensitive small; violent coryza, acrid, and making the upper lip sore; posterior nares feels dry, and the nostril is closed, every morning, with what looked like inspissated pus. They are usually skin-colored and tend to itch and bleed. Smelly white/greenish discharge from nose.No smell. Tinea capitis is ringworm of the scalp. He is constantly sniffing his nose. Moreover, once after nasal polyp surgery, they may grow bigger than the previous. A chance of recurrence is almost nil after the Homeopathic treatment for nasal polyps. Legal Disclaimer -None of the medicines mentioned including services , mentioned at should be used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. Whatever maybe because of the nasal polyp, homeopathic remedies for nasal polyp act on immunity of the person to remove nasal polyps. It offers help in cases where there are great anxieties about the present, future and about health. Complementary medicines Calcarea Carbonica are Belladonna and Rhus Tox. This remedy is highly effective for treating a chronic sore throat where there is a swelling of the palate, uvula, and tonsils. Calcarea Carbonica is a homeopathic preparation is made from the selected middle layer of oyster shells. Instead of going for nasal polyps surgery we have to treat the root cause of polyps. In homoeopathic literature, drugs such as Calcarea carb, Conium, Graphites, Kali-nit, Lemna minor, Lycopodium, Phosphorus and Sanguinaria have frequently be used to treat these cases with total cures. Q. This remedy suits people who have a leucophlegmatic constitution (presence of excessive water in the body). For example, it is a highly effective remedy to treat Tinea Capitis. They also tend to feel very chilly, catch a cold easily and have increased mucosal secretions. Nasal polyps Best Homeopathic Medicines: Thuja and Natrum sulphuricum:. 5. The nasal mucous membrane is swollen and the nose is plugged with yellow, thick, offensive discharge. be able to give more balance to cover that we are now offering . Antidotes are Bryonia, Camphor, China, Ipecac, Nux Vomica and Sepia. by different observers. Other attending features are fetid smell and yellow discharge from the nose. Diagnosis is by clinical symptoms such as a headache, loss of smell, sinus infection and congestion of air bones, nose etc. by Dr. Pednekar on Jun 20, 2017. The nose may also be markedly dry, with the dryness getting worse at night. . The nasal polyp has a base, stock, and head. The eruptions bleed when picked. Potency and dosage? Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines. Moreover, not advised to go for nasal polyps surgery for who suffer from bleeding disorders. There are medicines in Homeopathy to cure nasal polyps directly. Here are the 5 best homeopathic remedies for nasal polyps – 1. There may also be profuse discharge (clear like water), along with prickling and itching in the nose is present. However, this is not the case at all, if homeopathy medicine is used to provide an answer to the issue. Nasal Polyps With Sinusitis - ABC Homeopathy Forum. A healthy diet including the above listed natural remedies will help in relieving the symptoms and cure nasal polyps. Even Emergency conditions can be treated with Homeopathy if case is properly managed. Calcarea carb can work on both nasal polyps and kidney stones? They are attended with itching and burning in the vagina. However, your Homeopathic physician will decide the remedy for your nasal polyp according to the constitution. This prescription is given to persons who complain of a blocked nose on the left side. Calcarea carbonica in its impure form is calcium carbonate, CaCO 3. Thank you and look forward to hear from you soon. The anxiety is attended with restlessness and palpitations, more so during the evening time. Where symptoms are like stingy discharge from nose and other mucous membranes with pain in root of nose. Through examination with nasal speculum to identify the nasal polyps. Diagnosis is by clinical symptoms such as headache, loss of smell, sinus infection and congestion of air bones, nose etc. On seeing the report, one doctor suggested surgery. People who need this remedy tend to catch a cold easily with every change of the weather. It is best Homeopathic remedy for Mucous Nasal polyps, of pale red color, on the left side, and of large size; mostly in the anterior nares, and in plain sight without rhinoscope. There is a constant stench before the nose, like manure, gunpowder, or putrid eggs; the Nasal polyps are large, in the anterior nares, plainly to be seen, and not sensitive. It can also be helpful for health problems that stem from poor circulation, as well as anxiety, phobias and joint pain. In the morning, dryness in the nose may be felt. This remedy has a wide scope of action to treat many gastrointestinal troubles like dyspepsia with heartburn and loud, sour belching. CALCAREA CARB. © All right reserved 2017 SBL Calcarea Carb Tablets is made from the selected middle layer of oyster shells. Please let me know how much your services are, how much shipping would be for remedies, and any other information. Nasal polyps are a common problem seen in all age groups. The treatment of nasal polypi, when large and inducting serious discomfort, must be operative. They also cry easily at the smallest trifles. Homeopathic Remedy for Nasal Polyps is best in prevention and cure. In the morning, dryness in the nose may be felt. Medicines that follow well include Agaricus, Borax, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Phos, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Sepia. There are yellow scabs present on the vertex (top of the head). It is freely available in health stores and it doesn’t have to be manufactured by a homeopath. They are irritable without any cause and tend to be fretful, restless, stubborn and gets easily offended. Gallstones are curable with homeopathy. These two are important hydrogenoid remedies especially in the patient suffering from asthma and chronic bronchitis. Calcarea Carb 30 or 200 thrice a day NB: This took care of my polyps-----Category 4 Polyp along with sinus. These warts are soft at the base with a hard upper surface. Therefore, to get rid of your nasal polyps Homeopathy is the best treatment. Is Homeopathic medicine for the Fibrous nasal polyp, bleeding freely, and accompanied by scirrhous mischief to the nasal bones, threatening necrosis; profuse discharge of green or yellow mucus without coryza. This medicine is of great service in treating chronic colds. Have a healthy nutritious diet and involve yourself in physical activities to cure nasal polyps naturally. My son is 10 years old. The left sided nostril feels blocked. Blood drips easily. These are covered with a layer of crust and smell foul.

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