can an electric eel kill a human

Fresh water eat electric eel such as unagi and marine eels like … Many eel species are consumed by humans, and they’re common delicacies in many Asian and European countries. I can't find any evidence that any non-human animals hunt electric eels. Electric eels can shock any animal that gets near it, and its volts can produce 600 volts that are strong enough to kill a human. A full-grown electric eel can generate about 600 volts of electricity. While electric eels can reach a body length of up to 8 feet, only 20% of that length contains their vital organs. Not as high as the eel, but that is still enough to kill us. The eel’s entire posterior, 80% of its body , is electric organs. ... Kevlar, Steel, Human Flesh - Things Piranha Teeth Can Bite Through. Electric eels will only discharge when the are using it to kill prey, small fish, which a human isn't obviously, or in what the eel perceives as self-defense. The danger of the shock depends on the size of the eels, the bigger they are, the more dangerous they get. This unusual fish inhabits the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America, where hunts and defends itself by creating a strong electric shock. Apart from the burning flesh part, get details from Jeremy Wade who spoke to a doctor, a firsthand witness. The electric eel has three pairs of abdominal organs that produce electricity: the main organ, Hunter's organ, and Sachs' organ. Text to Speech Demo. Traveling through Alaska, Jeremy and crew had unique experiences aboard ferries - especially with the toilet situation. The newly discovered eel delivers a zap more than 200 volts higher than ever previously recorded, but is unlikely to kill a human, according to experts. Although there are few documented instances of people dying from an electric eel's shock, it could happen. image: Wikimedia Commons Not so experienced as an electric eel, the electric catfish can only generate 300-400 volts of power. They don't just discharge to try to kill you for no reason generally, but you never know. How can you die from electric eel burns? Also, a single jolt could incapacitate a person long enough to cause them to drown, even in shallow water. Eels resemble a serpentine-like appearance with their elongated bodies and low fins. Thanks to specialized internal organs, may produce pulses of electricity greater than 500 volts, enough to kill an adult. They are found in tropical Africa and the Nile River. Electric eels are not aggressive, but multiple shocks from them could cause a person to stop breathing or go into heart failure. 01:15. They can survive and live in both fresh and salt water, though all types of eels breeds in salt water. i. Wikipedia states that human collectors tire the eel out so that it discharges so much electricity it can't any more, than can be collected relatively safely. Yes.

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