elephant behavior studies

This suggests that male juvenile elephants are more likely to interact with each other and more likely to influence each other’s social behaviors than any other age group. 2014). Along with affiliative interactions, less frequent agonistic, or hostile, interactions do occur through playful, competitive, or dominant displays of aggression (Douglas-Hamilton 1972). Dr. Young is AERU’s director, and Ms. Padfield is AERU’s research officer. The methodology applied to study animal behavior has had a tremendous impact in psychology and the social sciences. However, there was a statistically significant positive correlation between handler rankings of activity levels and observed agonistic behavior rates. These patterns reflect previous studies, which have found that wild African elephants display increased rest and lower levels of activity during midday than in the morning or evening (Guy 1976; Wyatt and Eltringham 1974). He has conducted research in Africa, including research with pastoral people in Tanzania and in Namibia. Choose from 500 different sets of animal behaviour flashcards on Quizlet. In addition, I hypothesized that there would be a strong positive correlation between the elephant handlers’ ratings of reported behavioral tendencies and the frequency and type of observed social behaviors of the captive elephants. Affiliate Faculty, Latin American and Caribbean Studies. List the elephants in order of their status in the hierarchy, or how dominant the elephant is. I am beyond thankful for numerous people on the University of New Hampshire (UNH) campus and at AERU in South Africa for helping me to make this research possible. Many national parks have been established to offer elephants a safe place to live in an effort to preserve the vulnerable species. Journals. 2010; Lee and Moss 2012). He has mentored sixteen undergraduate researchers since 2003. In: Fowler M.E. Elephants typically have very strong social bonds within and among these family groups (Moss and Poole 1983). How long have you worked with elephants (total)? If so, where? ‘Herds’ are, at their cores, very small units – a group of three or four closely related female elephants plus their calves, who live and travel together for all their lives. In other words, elephants of certain personality types could be predicted to interact with other elephants in certain patterns. These traits arise at least in part from the way that elephants live. Thus, I collected data between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. when the herd was free roaming. Jean Piaget began his career with the study of snails, and he extended the use of careful behavioral observations and descriptions to his landmark studies on human cognitive development. Verbal communication between elephants is surprisingly common, compared to many other mammals. She views writing for Inquiry as a valuable experience for an aspiring veterinarian, noting that “decisions regarding animal care often hinge on how effectively veterinarians can communicate.”, Andrew Conroy, a professor of applied animal science and integrated agriculture within the Thompson School of Applied Science, is in his twenty-eighth year at the University of New Hampshire. The social interactions and dominance hierarchy between individuals of a herd depend upon many factors, including maternal lineage, age, sex, and personality traits of the elephants, or, in other words, the characteristics that each elephant portrays. 1972. The adult and young adult elephants displayed a higher rate of both affiliative and agonistic social behavior throughout the day than the juvenile elephants (Figures 2 and 3). Rossman Z. Animal behavior, also called ethology, is the scientific study of animals in their natural habitat. The research herd was made up of two adult females (Sally, age 26, and Nandi, 23), two young adult females (Thandi, 12, and Keisha, 12), two juvenile males (Shungu, 9, and Mashudu, 8), and one juvenile female (Thato, 8). It is also beneficial for a captive herd to maintain multiple juveniles together, because when given a choice of which elephants to interact with, juveniles are more likely to initiate interactions with each other than with other age groups. Since maternal-offspring bonds are exceptionally strong, it is important to prevent any separation of related adults and juveniles. 2. Dominance in the hierarchy of a wild African elephant herd typically follows age and sex order: the oldest females rank highest in dominance, and the youngest males rank lowest (Vidya and Sukumar 2005). J. This project solidified my passion for working with wild animals and for following a career path combining veterinary medicine with wildlife conservation and international travel. Softer noises are used soothingly or affectionately between elephants, most often from a mother to her calves when they are exhibiting signs of distress. Rely on EthoVision ® XT for highly accurate and detailed data for your social behavior studies. She has acted as a clinical mentor before, and Alison is her first undergraduate research mentee. How do we maximize behaviors in an environment that is so different from the one in which the animal evolved its species-typical behaviors? Douglas-Hamilton I. A Master of Science and a Master of Arts degree is available. Agonistic social interactions between any age and sex class occur most often in the early morning and late evening hours (Horback et al. Unpublished bachelor’s thesis, University of California: Davis. I learned about the different health professions I could pursue and discovered the vast number of possibilities that the veterinary profession offers: how many different species I could work with, the disciplines I could specialize in, and the places I could go. Have you worked with elephants anywhere else? pp. Alison contacted them when she was looking for a site for her International Research Opportunities Program (IROP) research project for summer 2016. Inherent to the nature of collecting data on living beings, there was no way to collect purely independent data points on the influence of one elephant’s behavior on another. Research shows that great apes can successfully interact with digital media devices and can demonstrate behavioral changes when presented with digital enrichments. Behavior in Organizations. (Sociability: "reaction to presence or absence of conspecifics"), List the elephants in order of their how likely they are to be aggressive towards other elephants. Animal behaviour. IU’s internationally-recognized Program in Animal Behavior offers an interdisciplinary and hands-on education for both undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, it is important for a herd of captive African elephants to consist of a wide range of ages, from young to mature adults. Even if there is not a matriarch, the herd typically has a dominance hierarchy based on the size, age, temperament, and experience of each elephant (Shulte 2006). After my weeklong orientation, which was run by AERU staff and consisted of training on elephant identification, data collection, and field safety, I collected data four days each week. Affection is often expressed by intertwining or ‘hugging’ trunks, usually between close relatives and friends who have travelled in the same herd for a long time. Although the sample sizes of each age group (juvenile, young adult, and adult) were too small to statistically analyze the difference in social behavior rates between them during the study, several trends can be noted. Primate Social Relationships: An Integrated Approach, Oxford, Blackwell Scientific, pp. We attract students from a variety of backgrounds who share a desire to work with animals, approaching the study of their behavior from a scientific perspective. Professor Conroy’s specialty is cattle (including beef, dairy, and working oxen) but he has extensive experience with other livestock and with animal handling and behavior. We collected behavioral data on 89 elephants (47 African [ Loxodonta africana ], 42 Asian [ Elephas maximus ]) at 39 North American zoos during the summer and winter. I grew up in a city, but quickly fell in love with the local zoo. Learn from Leading Experts in the Field. While working in the field had its disadvantages, the perks of doing this research definitely outweighed them. For instance, elephants recognize themselves in mirrors, learning that such reflections are images of themselves and not others, behavior apparently unique to … Guided by the expertise of staff who run long-term field projects on endangered species, an important part of the programme is … 2014. 2000. I would like to thank my UNH mentors, Dr. Drew Conroy and Dr. Vanessa Grunkemeyer, who helped me to develop the idea and have supported me throughout this whole project. I am thankful for the mentoring of UNH professor Rebecca Warner during my statistical analysis. Elephant-initiated interactions with humans: individual differences and specific preferences. The Nobel Prize winning scientist Niko Tinbergen developed four guiding questions for examining behavior. The results of this study give insight into the best management practices for African elephants in captivity, with special consideration for their pattern of social behavior. I would not have been able to conduct my research without the support I received from the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research and the generous IROP grant awarded to me, funded by my donors, Mr. Dana Hamel, Mr. Frank and Ms. Patricia Noonan, and Mr. John and Mrs. Marjorie Beyersdorf. They are capable of recognising not only their own mothers, calves and siblings but also their grandmothers, aunts, cousins and nieces – and sometimes even fathers. The study of animal behaviour would have begun with our earliest ancestors. Today, biologists, psychologists, anthropologists, ecologists, geneticists, and many others contribute to the study of animal behavior. 1986. After males reach young adulthood, between nine and eighteen years of age, they leave the family herd to roam with bachelor herds of mature bulls. [email protected] (812) 856-0009; Student Building 130; Research Interests variation in human female reproductiony; contraceptive technology; applied … The timing of these observations alternated between “Day A” and “Day B.” Day A observations took place from approximately 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Day B observations took place from approximately 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Get an answer for 'It can be argued that studies of animal behavior are relevant to human psychology because humans are thought to have evolved from other species. 2012. After a nine-hour layover in Germany, I boarded another plane for South Africa. The hypothesis that rates of social behavior across all age groups of African elephants would be greatest in the morning and lowest in the afternoon was confirmed. 7 means this elephant is most dominant (the matriarch), 1 means this elephant is least dominant in the social hierarchy. The answer is perhaps, but doing so will necessitate addressing some difficult questions. African elephant play, competence and social complexity. (What are their general activity levels, how much do they move around). More information: Shifra Z. Goldenberg et al, Elephant behavior toward the dead: A review and insights from field observations, Primates (2019).DOI: 10.1007/s10329-019-00766-5 CiteScore: 5.0 ℹ CiteScore: 2019: 5.0 CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title. I recorded every time two or more elephants interacted with each other. A manifestation of cognitive behaviour is tool use and tool manufacture. Both commend Alison’s work at AERU and describe her as “dedicated, thoughtful, and very positive.” They note: “As well as being committed to her project and using her time well, she didn’t hesitate to offer to help with other research tasks and hands-on work whenever she had the opportunity.”, The University of New Hampshire  •  Copyright © 2021 Main Street, Durham, NH 03824  •  603-862-1234 400 Commercial Street, Manchester, NH  •  603-641-4101 USNH Privacy Policies  •  USNH Terms of Use  •  ADA Acknowledgement  •  Contact the Webmaster. The adult and young adult elephants displayed a higher rate of affiliative social behavior throughout the day than the juvenile elephants. The higher rate of agonistic behaviors performed by adults and young adults than by juveniles could be explained by the inclusion of dominance behaviors in the agonistic behavior category. I worked with many people from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Europe, and different parts of America. CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a range of four years (e.g. 2015. This knowledge has allowed him to mentor a variety of students. For the most part, being out in the field with the other researchers and handlers was enjoyable. Ethology is the scientific and objective study of animal behaviour, usually with a focus on behaviour under natural conditions, and viewing behaviour as an evolutionarily adaptive trait. I didn’t sleep a wink that night, but I did get to watch the stars turn into a sunrise. The mother-daughter pair of elephants in the study herd were in the adult and young adult age groups, respectively. 7 means this elephant is most active, 1 means this elephant is least active. Shulte BA. Therefore, it was important to look at the influence of the elephants’ social behavior on others in the herd. Elephant personality survey administered to elephant handlers at KEP (adapted from Rossman 2015). Long-distance communication is facilitated mostly by the infrasonic emitter present in every elephant’s forehead, just at the join of trunk to skull. In the latter part of his career, Lorenz applied his ideas to the study of animal behavior in humans as members of a social species. Posted Feb 05, 2021 A female elephant will signal her acceptance of a potential mate by rubbing her body full against his, and much tactile communication takes place with the prehensile ends of an elephant’s trunk – they use these to comfort and reassure each other, to greet friends, and to acknowledge the feat of a labouring mother or the presence of new calves. Young adult females rely on older adults to learn mothering skills and they often help to care for the younger calves (Douglas-Hamilton 1972). This unexpected result could indicate that elephants that perform more agonistic behaviors are perceived by the elephant handlers as more active. However, because I did not measure rates of social behavior later than 4:00 p.m., patterns of social behavior during evening hours were not determined. A group of elephants socialize at the African Elephant Research Unit (AERU), near Knysna, South Africa. ​. Sometimes, though, these herds join up with other herds, meaning that occasionally people have stumbled across groups of a hundred or more cows and calves living, feeding, playing and travelling together. In contrast to juveniles’ lower rates of affiliative and agonistic social behavior throughout the day, juveniles were observed to initiate the highest rate of play or spar initiation, followed by young adults, and then adults. To ensure a precise detection of an animal’s location and position, the software detects an animal’s center point, nose point, and tail base. 315–325. (Aggressiveness: "aggressive reactions towards conspecifics"). Agonistic social behavior rates peaked in the morning at 11:00 am and were lowest in the early afternoon at 2:00 pm. A member of the University Honors Program, Alison will graduate in May 2017 with a bachelor of science degree. A personality is made up of qualities such as leadership, playfulness, gentleness, popularity, and predictability of each elephant (Lee and Moss 2012). African elephants are native to many parts of Africa, including South Africa. When I was not in the field observing the elephants, I surveyed the elephant handlers regarding their perceptions of the elephants’ social behaviors and personality. We watched the elephants on foot and wherever they went, we followed, even if that meant traipsing through brambles on the side of a hill. This includes the study of their social interaction, methods of communication, responses to threats, emotions, mating rituals and more. 7 means this elephant is most curious about new things, 1 means this elephant is least curious about new things, or avoids new things. ERRORS in the site, please contact us. Furthermore, private parks, such as KEP, allow people to visit and interact with free-roaming elephants. We always had a handler with us in the field, so by the end of the summer I got to know them all well, and learned so much about each of their native African cultures. Regular field work underpins the development of theoretical knowledge, giving students the practical skills to engage in the study of animal behaviour. The oldest female in the study herd was, at just twenty-six year old, a young matriarch, compared to the age of the matriarch in most wild herds. It’s rare for a bull to travel with a matriarchal herd and it never lasts long, but it does occur occasionally. 35–43. List the elephants in order of how confident they are in their everyday lives. They make a wide variety of gurgling noises in the backs of their throats, and of course can also produce a loud ‘trumpeting’ sound via their trunks. This trend is consistent with the observation by Lee and Moss that total time spent playing decreases as elephants age in the wild (2014). ... Our mission is to advance the scientific study of behavior and its humane application to the solution of practical problems, including the prevention and relief of human suffering. I am also grateful to everyone at AERU, especially Clare Padfield and Dr. Debbie Young, for welcoming me to study the elephants at Knysna Elephant Park and supporting me through my research. My research took place in the western cape of South Africa with the African Elephant Research Unit (AERU) at Knysna Elephant Park (KEP). National Geographic Research 2: 388–401. While there, he investigated various organizations where international students could do internships or supervised research projects. But most animals are not consciously deciding to cooperate when they work with others. The study of animal behavior is a cornerstone of psychology for several reasons. EthoVision XT automatically detects and tracks your animal as it moves around the test arena, and can even track multiple animals simultaneously. It took almost my entire research period to devise a system to keep my data sheets dry and prevent my ink from running on rainy days. The biggest challenge I faced in collecting data was dealing with the weather, which was cold (with high temperatures usually around 50 degrees Fahrenheit), windy, and often rainy, consistent with the winter season in South Africa. Like all mammals, elephants communicate a great deal through body language. In addition, the scientist’s ideas constituted a hypothesis with highly controversial philosophical and sociological implications. If a travelling herd comes upon a dead elephant while making their journey, they will all gather around him or her – even if she was clearly a complete stranger to them – and take a few moments of silence before moving on, generally touching the body with their trunks as though they are making a show of reverence. However, further data about elephant personalities needs to be collected in order to confirm this pattern. Figure 1. Abstract Asian elephants, Elephus maximus, have the greatest volume of cerebral cortex available for cognitive processing of all extant terrestrial animal species. 2006. Most contemporary ethologists view the elephant as one of the world's most intelligent animals. Through the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research, I received an International Research Opportunities Program (IROP) grant to study African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in South Africa. 2014). However, according to the data collected, the only strong significant positive correlation between social behaviors exhibited by one individual on another was between the two male juvenile elephants. Perhaps sadly, it seems that the much fabled secret ‘elephant graveyards’ are a myth. Their behavior is based on instinct rather than conscious decision-making. McComb K, Moss C, Durant S, Baker L, Sayialel S. 2001. (Exploration-avoidance: "reaction to a new situation"). Affiliative social behavior rates peaked in the morning at 10:00 am and were lowest in the early afternoon at 12:00 pm. Are handler perceptions of elephant personality an accurate predictor of social behavior? Because most of the handlers were not familiar with using ranking systems, especially to categorize the elephants, this system prevented the guides from ranking all the elephants equally or neutrally. Traffic noise affected zebra finches’ foraging habits and field crickets’ mating. In regard to affiliative behaviors, most positive social interactions between elephants are between a mother and her calf (Horback et al.2014). Individuals interact often within groups, and do so particularly through play behaviors between all ages. 2010. This includes dominance and discipline, but not sparring and playing. Chasing, mounting, wrestling, and sparring are all considered to be part of play behavior (Lee 1986). This allows the younger elephants to learn discipline and social skills from the older members of the herd. How do social behaviors among captive elephants vary throughout the day on an hourly time scale, and how is this related to age? Nicky Kim-McCormack and her colleagues from Australian National University … They do sometimes form ‘bachelor herds’, however, and it’s common for a group of male calves to all leave their herd and mothers simultaneously and live together for a while before dispersing once they’re fully grown. As elephants mature, males more frequently perform agonistic social behaviors than females (Douglas-Hamilton 1972). This personality type could be categorized as “dominant.” Therefore, it appears that an elephant perceived to have a grouping of particular personality traits can predict a certain overall behavior type in captive African elephants. List the elephants in order of how active they are. In previous studies, human evaluation of personality traits indicated that the presence of certain traits was predictive of specific social behaviors in wild African elephants and captive African elephants in America (Freeman et al. Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies. My hypothesis that personality ratings by handlers would significantly correlate with observed social behavior was not supported in full. Ms. Padfield provided “on the ground” support for Alison as she developed her research methods, learned field techniques, and analyzed her data.

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