fill in the blanks to complete the passage about parenting

– What is your hometown? Despite—or perhaps because of—the challenges that go along with teaching tweens, holding debates in middle school classes can be especially rewarding. India is studded with many historical places and monuments. Questions: filling in blanks. – Why did you do it? Why? – When it happened – What kind of experience it was – What you did about the noise. – Why are local news important to many people? – Can I see your identification? We were asked to compare them. All students should be required to learn a foreign language in middle school. – Has anyone ever gifted you a piece of furniture? Part 2 Questions: multiple choice, matching information. Students should be held legally responsible for bullying in schools. Talk about a dinner you had with your friends that was enjoyable. Recent IELTS exam questions from the UK Recent IELTS exam questions from Ukraine Recent IELTS exam questions from the USA Recent IELTS exam questions from Uzbekistan Recent IELTS exam questions from Vietnam. – Do you have a lucky number? – What do you think cannot be replaced by a computer? Questions: fill in the blanks, True/False/Not Given. SC prompts with 2 or 3 blanks have three answer choices for each blank. – Can I see your ID? – Why is it important to recycle? – What kind of movies do people usually watch in your country? – How do you compare a business now and in the past? Part 3. Please say. – Do you work or are you a student? – Do you work or study? A hotel venue booking for a party. – What is the most vital challenge the world is facing presently? – What is your full name? – Why do you think people are not able to sit down with their families? – What do people do to keep fit in your country? The pie chart showed the distribution of workforce in 2003. – What do you study? Passage 3. – Does your house have nice views? 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension… – What kind of job can people do in other countries for a short time? – What is your full name? – Can I see your ID? – Is it a suitable place for children to live? I have done ielts general yesterday. – Who is he/she? – What is your full name? – How does the weather influence people’s lives? – Do you ever make a list? Many people in today’s society enjoy watching movies or TV programs about crime. For example, people might be grouped together by their job’s typical dress code and tasks rather than their income. – What is your full name? – Where are you from? A text about Bovines (a type of animal). – Do you think it is important to learn about history? – What will you need for your talk? – Do you think countries should help one another? Part 2. – What is your full name? – What is the common mode of transportation in your country? Please say. – Do you see any bans on using phones in everyday life? – What shall I call you? Newsletter sign up. – What kind of things make you laugh? – What are some changes you might make in the future? Speaking: (Part 1) Name Where are you from? Please say. A conversation between a woman and a photographer. – What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets? – Is it important to laugh? To what extent do you agree or disagree? Part 2. – Tell me about the house that you live in now. – Let’s talk about news. – How do you feel about staying up late at night? – Do you have a favourite perfume? – Have you ever had an unpleasant haircut experience? Please say. Part 3. – What did you plan to do? – What are the other ways? – Is it important for you to laugh together with friends? – What do you think about photos in advertisements? – Is it hard to work in a group? – What type of pictures can be terrible to see? A text about drinking water supply in Australia. – What do you like about living in a city? – What do you think is better, for children to play with their parents or friends? – Do you think your friends would laugh at the same topics that you find funny? – Are there places where mobile phones are prohibited in your country? – Name one celebrity would you like to interview. Why? – What can help people to remember names of others? You should say. – Do you prefer wearing jeans? Your friend would like to come and work in your country for 6 months. You are doing an evening course. – What is your full name? – How do you feel when someone borrows something from you? – Do you enjoy eating cakes and sugary foods after your meals? The rise and fall of tin cans. You will be directed to another page. – If you wanted to improve your country’s transportation system what would you recommend? – Do you think it is important to be fashionable nowadays? The following is a list of topics that would be appropriate for use in middle school classrooms. Once you submit your instructions, while your order is in progress and even after its completion, our support team will monitor it to provide you with timely assistance. – Whose responsibility do you think it is to care for the elderly? Part 3. Talk about a goal that you wanted to achieve and succeeded. Describe a new public building you want to visit. – Did your job change recently? – How often do you get a haircut? – What is your full name? It needs people who can help renovate the building and also help with some activities. – Do you work or study? We were given two line graphs showing the monthly price of rice in Thailand and Vietnam between 2009 and 2012. Visit to a park with the questions being on a map of the park. Talk about advice you received from someone that was very helpful. – Why are you studying English? – Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans? – What is your full name? – Tell me about the kind of challenges that children face. – What activities could you do together? – Do you work or study? Please say. – Are there good shops near your residence? – Do you eat fish? Asked By adminstaff @ 23/04/2020 07:02 AM. We were given two line graphs with forecast A and forecast B, describing the level of CO2 emissions and temperatures in years 2020 and 2100. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate word/phrases from the given options. – Would you change anything about your home? a few buyers are able to obtain the good at the open-market price; the rest must resort to illegal means. Talk about an occasion when you spent a long time choosing a gift for someone. Please say. – What about your phone, would you let someone borrow it? – What did the person say? We were given two diagrams that showed the layouts of typical Japanese and American offices. – describe the incident – explain how this incident affected you – suggest what could be done about it. – What is your full name? – What is your full name? – What are the differences between challenges in individual and team sports? – How would you be able to help? A lecture on the sense of smell and its importance. – What should I call you? – Why do people play music when they are doing something else or working? – Should they play sports more often? You enrolled in an evening course, however you are not satisfied with the service, as they failed to fulfill a commitment published in the course brochure. Part 2. – Do you study or work? – What are some popular expensive things people love to buy? – Why are people selfish? – What sport is that? Why is that? Part 3. – What is your full name? Part 1. Thirst grows for living unplugged – Do you think they are missing out on some important experience in life? – Did it make you laugh? – Do you think you are funny when you tell jokes? – Can I see your ID? We were given a line graph with 4 lines describing the ozone levels in 1982, 1992, 2002 and 2012. The Austrian monk and scientist Gregor _studied the traits of pea plants. – Does the type of your work change from time to time? We were given a line graph describing the Australian exports to four different countries (India, US, Japan and China) from 1990 to 2012. Part 3 Questions: Multiple choice, choose answers from the box. Prayer of any form should be prohibited in schools. – Can I see your identification? Through the process of , old, dense crust is pushed toward a deep-ocean . Passage 2. Discount loans extended by the Federal Reserve are not normally an important factor in the macroeconomy. – Can I see your ID? Passage 1. I live with my parents and (3) ---- brother. Do you agree or disagree? – Where are you from? – Where do you live? Part 3. Done! There were two maps of a place showing how it looked in the past, and how it looks now. – Where are you from? Questions: multiple choice. – Nowadays many children have mobile phones. – Do you think because of social media people are becoming very similar? – Do people in your country like picnics? – When you visited the city – What you did there – Whether or not you would like to visit it again. – Why do people play sports? – Do you like to change the colour of your hair? – What is your full name? – Do you think mobile phones can cause harm in certain places? – How do we express our feelings? – What is your full name? – What kind of furniture would you like to buy? PE should be required of all students throughout middle and high school. Please say, – When it happened – How you knew that you were lost – How you reached the destination. An article about childcare centers. He spent (d) (every/all/some) his days watching the waves crash against the shore. Go here for the most recent IELTS questions from 2021. You recently organized an event that was mentioned in a newspaper article. – Do you think older and younger people respond differently to these rules? – How well do you know your neighbors? – Where do they go for a picnic? Talk about a challenge you faced lately and found it hard. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. – What do you like about studying – What subject are you studying? – what happened – who apologised to you – how you reacted – how you felt after the incident. – Do you like wearing jeans? – What should I call you? – Can I see your ID? its use of a wide variety of methods. Talk about a movie you watched that you liked. – Where did you see them? – Do you make your friends laugh? Write a letter telling him/her what you are going to discuss in the meeting. Comment by Ram Sagar — June 9, 2020 @ 5:16 am. – What is your full name? – Do you read newspapers or books? You have recently been invited to talk about your country at the American academy. The support team will view it after the order form and payment is complete and then they will find an academic writer who matches your order description perfectly. – What places did you visit so far? These pores expand to such a degree that a single drop could fill a Big Gulp from a 7-11 shop. – Do you watch comedy series or movies? Passage 1. – Where do you live? Solar energy should replace all traditional forms of energy. Part 1. – Do you think that only the governments are responsible for protecting the environment? Assign one team this proposition and allow an opposing team to argue the opposite. Please say. – Do you live in a house or an apartment? You’ll often deal with “shift sentences” in SC questions. – What are the important factors for a successful business? – Do many tourists visit your country? To what extent do you agree or disagree? – Are you good with numbers? What can be done to improve the situation?

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