surah for removing fear

meaning, `we have walked down a path other than the one we were seeking to reach it.’ This was said by Ibn `Abbas and others. We sent you to humanity as a messenger, and God is Witness enough. Imam Ahmad recorded that Hudhayfah said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah saying. (Our Lord will reveal His Shin, and every believing male and female will prostrate to Him. Surah Saba 35. easy to read. 113. If they turn away, seize them and execute them wherever you may find them; and do not take from among them allies or supporters. 95. Special NoteScholars have explained the Qur’anic concept of ‘oath’: Wherever Allah has sworn an oath by an object or a phenomenon, its subject has been cited as evidence or testimony to support and substantiate the claim. 68:17-18). Whether one is rich or poor, God takes care of both. God’s instructions to you are excellent. When Our verses are recited to him, he says, “Legends of the former peoples.”. 26. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. 117. Yawma yukshafu ‘am saaqinw wa yud’awna ilas sujoodi falaa yastatee’oon42. There is a story concerning this incident (as reported by Buraydah in Sahih Muslim), and At-Tirmidhi recorded the Hadith in this manner (like Muslim’s version). Then I heard a loud splash in the water coming from where he was. And they said, “Our Lord, why did You ordain fighting for us? And for their faithlessness, and their saying against Mary a monstrous slander. They are being asked: Is Our Messenger asking you for a reward which makes you feel so upset. She replied: “The Holy Prophet’s ﷺ character was the Qur’an itself’. If the siblings are men and women, the male receives the share of two females.” God makes things clear for you, lest you err. Surah As Sajdah 33. Have you not observed those who claim that they believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, yet they seek Satanic sources for legislation, in spite of being commanded to reject them? 36. Let those who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter fight in the cause of God. At-Tirmidhi said, “Hasan.”. (26. Then they called out (one to another as soon) as the morning broke.) When this verse is read with ( Surah As-Saaffat, Ayats 142-146), one learns that at the time the Prophet Jonah (peace be upon him) was caused to be swallowed by the fish, he was blameworthy. (“In the Name of Allah I pray over you for healing (Ruqyah), from everything that bothers you, from the evil of every soul and every evil eye that hates you, may Allah cure you, in the Name of Allah I pray over you for healing.”) This Hadith has been recorded by Muslim and the Sunan compilers except for Abu Dawud. And when you feel secure, perform the prayer. Then how will it be, when We bring a witness from every community, and We bring you as a witness against these? When a Divine punishment visits, it visits in this way, and this kind of punishment in the mortal world does not serve as an expiation for the punishment in the Hereafter. The word zanim is used to describe a person of illegitimate birth, who does not, in fact, belong to a family but has joined it. Among them are those who believed in it, and among them are those who held back from it. In the other case, they should draw lessons from the story of the owners of the orchard, lest they be visited by a similar punishment on account of ingratitude. Stand out firmly for Allah and be just witnesses and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe, then disbelieve, then increase in disbelief, God will not forgive them, nor will He guide them to a way. (but truly, the punishment of the Hereafter is greater if they but knew.) (Their eyes will be cast down and ignominy will cover them;) means, in the final abode, due to their crimes and arrogance in the worldly life. Ibn Majah recorded from Abu Umamah As`ad bin Sahl bin Hunayf that `Amir bin Rabi`ah passed by Sahl bin Hunayf while he was bathing and he said, “I haven’t seen the skin of a beautiful virgin girl nicer than this that I see today (i.e., commenting on how nice Sahl’s skin was).” So he did not leave before he (Sahl) fell down on the ground. I am giving him respite for a while, then I will seize him with a mighty and powerful punishment.’ Thus, Allah says. The middle brother was the best of them. 106. Everytime one of them attempts to prostrate, he will bow his neck but will not be able to prostrate. The Awsat among them said; “Did I not tell you, `Why do you not Tusabbihun.”’)29. If the victim belonged to a people who are hostile to you, but is a believer, then the compensation is to free a believing slave. And ask God for forgiveness. Then they would not give people a speck. Then it swears an oath by مَا يَسْطُرُ‌ونَ ‘what they write [1] ‘. The Holy Prophet’s Exalted Quality of CharacterSayyidna Ibn Abbas ؓ has said that ‘exalted quality of character’ signifies a ‘great religion, and it is Islam, a religion dearest to Allah’. 20. For He (Allah) is the One Whose execution of divine decree cannot be resisted. Nun. 41. Surah Hud 12. Among the Jews are some who take words out of context, and say, “We hear and we disobey”, and “Hear without listening”, and “Observe us,” twisting with their tongues and slandering the religion. In this Ayah is a proof that the effect of the evil eye and its affliction by the command of Allah is real. 7. O you who believe! Therefore, they regarded this experience of receiving revelation as insanity. We have revealed to you the Scripture, with the truth, so that you judge between people in accordance with what God has shown you. They will have purified spouses therein, and We will admit them into a shady shade. Without (saying: “If Allah wills.”)) (19. That is, We shall so disgrace him in the world and in the Hereafter that his mark of disgrace will become indelible. (And verily (either) we or you are rightly guided or in plain error.) 114. Imam Baghawi (رح) and some other commentators have reported another event as background of this verse. Concerning Allah’s statement. [Mazhari]. In the first case, it would mean: Do not yield to the influence of such a person just because he has plenty of wealth and children. If he has siblings, his mother gets one-sixth. قَالُوا۟ يَـٰوَيْلَنَآ إِنَّا كُنَّا طَـٰغِينَ. So do not befriend any of them, unless they emigrate in the way of God. You yourselves were like this before, and God bestowed favor on you; so investigate. Believe in God and His messenger, and the Book He sent down to His messenger, and the Book He sent down before. (Verily, My plan is strong.) (Shall I inform you of the people of Paradise (They will be) every weak and oppressed person. Surah At Takwir 82. His nose has been described by way of reproach as khurtum (snout). A form of leading somebody to ruin in imperceptible ways is that an enemy of the truth and wicked person may be blessed in the world, and be granted health, wealth, children and worldly successes, by which he may be deluded into believing that whatever he is doing, he is doing well and right. Those who lie in wait for you: if you attain victory from God, they say, “Were we not with you?” But if the disbelievers get a turn, they say, “Did we not side with you, and defend you from the believers?” God will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection; and God will give the disbelievers no means of overcoming the believers. Calling such a sane person insane is itself insanity. Saying: “Go to your tilth in the morning, if you would pluck (the fruits).”) (23. The Qur’an is a book of evidence to show that Islam is the one true religion and to be a book for guidance for all humanity. Anyone who emigrates for the sake of God will find on earth many places of refuge, and plentitude. Fa asbahat kassareem20. Fantalaqoo wa hum yatakhaafatoon23. And, of course, the punishment of the Hereafter is even greater, if they but realize!….68:33). 50. The word hard means ‘to prevent’ and ‘to express anger’.5 In other words, they thought they had the power to pick the fruit for themselves and prevent the poor people from having a share in it, and even if they do come to the garden, the owners of the garden decided to chase them out. (68:39) Or have We sworn a covenant with you which We are bound to keep till the Day of Resurrection, (a covenant requiring that whatever you ordain for yourselves shall be yours)? Surah Maryam 20. In short, in the mortal world the wicked and the evil ones seem to be successful, and the good people seem to be unsuccessful. But as for those who believe and do good works, He will pay them their wages in full, and will increase His grace for them. If you have children, they get one-eighth of what you leave. Among you is he who lags behind. He is named here as ‘Man of Fish’ because he was devoured by a fish and remained in its belly for some time. Or, if you became inclined to effect some changes in your faith to suit these people, they too would effect a compromise with you. The people of Makkah were not unaware of the morals and character possessed by the Messenger (peace be upon him) of Allah. Except for the weak among men, and women, and children who have no means to act, and no means to find a way out. Inna lilmuttaqeena ‘inda rabbihim jannaatin na’eem34. Glory be to Him—that He should have a son. إِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِمَن ضَلَّ عَن سَبِيلِهِۦ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِٱلْمُهْتَدِينَ. [68:51] And indeed the disbelievers seem to trip you up with their glances4 when they hear the Reminder, and say, “He is a madman indeed.”. But when they saw the surroundings, they realized that it was the right place they have gone to, but the garden had been burnt up and destroyed. This indicates that anyone who prevents other people from committing sins but does not abstain from them himself and joins them in doing the wrong acts, he will suffer the same fate as the others. Surah Al Masad 112. If we review the punishment history of the present-day governments and courts, it would appear that nowadays only those people are punished who are fools, brainless and helpless or without support. The Hadith of Sahl bin Hunayf Imam Ahmad recorded from Abu Umamah bin Sahl bin Hunayf that his father informed him that the Messenger of Allah went out on a journey in the direction of Makkah and they (the Companions) accompanied him until they came to the valley of Kharrar from Al-Juhfah. And indeed, for you is a reward uninterrupted. If you fear you cannot act fairly towards the orphans—then marry the women you like—two, or three, or four. Surah An Nahl 17. Then, in that case he would avenge for the sake of Allah.” Imam Ahmad also recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said. In the second: He has become proud because he possesses abundance of wealth and children; so when Our revelations are recited to him, he says: These are tales of ancient times. When some news of security or alarm comes their way, they broadcast it. As for the parents, each gets one-sixth of what he leaves, if he had children. 5. [68:23] So they set out while they were whispering to each other. A thief or a bandit sometimes in one night gains so much of wealth that a righteous person might not gain as much in his entire life. 14. But had they done what they were instructed to do, it would have been better for them, and a firmer confirmation. Al-Waki` said, “It (`Utul) is every Jawwaz, Ja`zari and arrogant person.” Both Al-Bukhari and Muslim recorded this in their Two Sahihs, as well as the rest of the Group, except for Abu Dawud. Surah Fatir 36. وَلَا تَكُن كَصَاحِبِ الْحُوتِ (So, remain patient with your Lord’s judgment, and be not like the Man of the Fish…68:48). O you who believe! Am lakum aymaanun ‘alainaa baalighatun ilaa yawmil qiyaamati inna lakum lamaa tahkumoon39. [68:25] ‘. Surah Al Furqan 26. Whoever does that, out of hostility and wrongdoing, We will cast him into a Fire. That is, for which an oath has been sworn by the pen and by the Book. إِنَّ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ جَنَّـٰتِ ٱلنَّعِيمِ. God does not like the public uttering of bad language, unless someone was wronged. The good women are obedient, guarding what God would have them guard. Yet, they reject that which you have brought to them simply due to ignorance, disbelief and obstinacy.’, (So wait with patience) `O Muhammad, persevere against the harm your people cause you and their rejection. [68:34] Surely, for the God-fearing are the gardens of bliss. (And verily, you are on an exalted (standard of) character.) When Our Ayat are recited to him, he says: “Tales of the men of old!”) Allah is saying, `this is how he responds to the favors that Allah has bestowed upon him of wealth and children, by disbelieving in Allah’s Ayat and turning away from them while claiming that they are a lie that has been taken from the tales of the ancients.’ This is similar to Allah’s statement. Surah Sad 39. But whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, and is a believer—those will enter Paradise, and will not be wronged a whit. 67. Surah Rum 31. Sayyidna Abu-d-Darda’ ؓ narrates that Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said: “Noble character will be the heaviest thing on a Muslim’s scale of good deeds on the Day of Resurrection. That is, as, disbelievers, out of pride and false sense of power rejected the Divine Message in this world, Allah will disgrace and humiliate them on the Day of Resurrection so that the earlier and later generations will be able to see it. [Mazhari]. meaning — and all praise is due to Allah — `you are not crazy as the ignorant among your people claim. After Allah mentions that those who have Taqwa, will have Gardens of Delight with their Lord, He explains when this will be, and its actual occurrence. Had they said, “We hear and we obey”, and “Listen”, and “Give us your attention,” it would have been better for them, and more upright. And if they separate, God will enrich each from His abundance. ﴿74:11-30﴾ Then Allah said here. But, when they considered it seriously and found it was their own garden, they cried out: Alas we are deprived. فَٱصْبِرْ لِحُكْمِ رَبِّكَ وَلَا تَكُن كَصَاحِبِ ٱلْحُوتِ إِذْ نَادَىٰ وَهُوَ مَكْظُومٌۭ. Surah Al Ahzab 34. Ahmad recorded from Abu Sa`id that Jibril came to the Prophet and said, “O Muhammad, are you suffering from any ailment” The Prophet said. 134. 98. After a brief reference to the famine faced by the Makkans and a detailed account of the People of the Garden whose garden was burnt as a punishment, the present verse sets down a general rule. (sinful,) meaning, he delves into the forbidden things. God is Forgiver and Merciful. Surah Imran 4. 52. [68:18] ‘. If two men among you commit it, punish them both. “We hope that our Lord will give us in exchange better than it. So fight in the cause of God; you are responsible only for yourself. As a result, they lamented and admitted their guilt that amounted to repentance. So they set out, while lowering their voices, أَن لَّا يَدْخُلَنَّهَا ٱلْيَوْمَ عَلَيْكُم مِّسْكِينٌۭ, Al laa yadkhulannahal yawma ‘alaikum miskeen24. If they wish to reconcile, God will bring them together. It is not permitted for you to inherit women against their will. Qaaloo yaa wailanaaa innaa kunnaa taagheen31. Indeed we are deprived!”) (28. Is the proof of the claim, that is, world history has been cited as testimony for critics to look into the pages of history, if they can ever find a person of such lofty calibre as the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ، with high morals insane. Surah Al Mulk 68. He has revealed to you in the Book that when you hear God’s revelations being rejected, or ridiculed, do not sit with them until they engage in some other subject. [68:15] When Our verses are recited to him, he says, ” (These are) the tales of the ancient.”. Do they seek glory in them? 123. Those who are concerned about the fate of their weak children, in case they leave them behind, should fear God, and speak appropriate words. If you deviate, or turn away—then God is Aware of what you do. Thus it rebuts the criticisms and taunts of the pagans against the Holy Prophet ﷺ . [68:35] Otherwise, shall We make the obedient like the sinners? God is Powerful and Wise. God is Sublime, Great. Were it not for God’s blessing and mercy upon you, you would have followed the Devil, except for a few. And whoever commits a mistake, or a sin, and then blames it on an innocent person, has taken a slander and a clear sin. But they met him with denial, rejection and opposition. Ahmad was alone in recording this Hadith. Law laaa an tadaara kahoo ni’matum mir rabbihee lanubiza bil’araaa’i wa huwa mazmoom49. The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. (2) That besides the Quran, your high and noble character is also a clear proof that the accusation of madness that the disbelievers bring against you is absolutely false, for high morals and madness cannot co-exist in one and the same person. And it became as though reaped. So he (`Amir) washed his face, his hands, his elbows, his knees, his feet and the inside of his Izar (waist wrapper) in a drinking vessel. 90. If a woman fears maltreatment or desertion from her husband, there is no fault in them if they reconcile their differences, for reconciliation is best. Ibn `Abbas said, “Like the dark night.” Ath-Thawri and As-Suddi both said, “Like the crop when it is harvested withered and dry.”. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. Maa lakum kaifa tahhkumoon36. By the pen and what they inscribe, مَآ أَنتَ بِنِعْمَةِ رَبِّكَ بِمَجْنُونٍۢ. 55. He is with them, as they plot by night with words He does not approve. And I never smelled any musk or perfume that had a better fragrance than the sweat of the Messenger of Allah.” Imam Al-Bukhari recorded that Al-Bara’ said, “The Messenger of Allah had the most handsome face of all the people, and he had the best behavior of all of the people. 160. Rather, God raised him up to Himself. If the distribution is attended by the relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, give them something out of it, and speak to them kindly. Then, when he died, and his children inherited the garden they said, `Verily, our father was foolish for giving some of this garden’s harvest to the poor. Then he thought. But if they willingly forego some of it, then consume it with enjoyment and pleasure. In fact, they invoke none but a rebellious devil. 71. عَسَىٰ رَبُّنَآ أَن يُبْدِلَنَا خَيْرًۭا مِّنْهَآ إِنَّآ إِلَىٰ رَبِّنَا رَ‌ٰغِبُونَ, ‘Asaa rabbunaaa any yubdilanaa khairam minhaaa innaaa ilaa rabbinaa raaghiboon32. God is Knowing and Wise. 7. Indeed, God has prepared for the disbelievers a demeaning punishment. Therefore Allah says, (Verily, We have tried them) meaning, `We have tested them.’. Sayyidna Yunus (علیہ السلام) left the place and transferred himself elsewhere. Immediately after exhorting the Prophet (peace be upon him) to have patience until Allah issued forth His decree, to tell him not to behave like the Prophet Jonah (peace be upon him) by itself gives the meaning that the latter had shown some kind of impatience before Allah gave His decision and thus had incurred His wrath. 68:44). Surah An Nasr 111. When any of these states was over, he would recite the revealed verses to the people. In the Arabic language the Zanim is a person who is adopted among a group of people (i.e., he is not truly of them). And whoever turns away—We did not send you as a watcher over them. The People of the Scripture challenge you to bring down to them a book from the sky. God does not love the arrogant showoff. فَطَافَ عَلَيْهَا طَائِفٌ مِّن رَّ‌بِّكَ (Then, there whirled around it a whirl (of calamity) from your Lord, while they were asleep….68:19). It refers to Sayyidna Yunus (علیہ السلام) . Whoever kills a believer deliberately, the penalty for him is Hell, where he will remain forever. At the beginning, they accused one another of the sin. God comprehends what they do. وَهُمْ نَائِمُونَ (…while they were asleep…. Surah Hadid 58. (And verily, for you will be reward that is not Mamnun.) They will conceal nothing from God. Below we have included three different tafseer of Surah Qalam. You know that he is absolutely selfless in his invitation and is exerting himself only for your own benefit and well-being. Then there passed over it a Ta’if from your Lord while they were asleep.) God is Mighty and Wise. Surah Quraish 107. Then Allah said, ((Saying:) “Go to your tilth in the morning, if you would pluck (the fruits).”) meaning, `if you want to pluck your harvest fruit.’. rather, you hope for the reward with Allah. 46. And they went early in determination, [assuming themselves] able. The following verses give a description of the reward of the righteous, followed by refutation of another false claim of the pagans of Makkah. لَّوْلَآ أَن تَدَ‌ٰرَكَهُۥ نِعْمَةٌۭ مِّن رَّبِّهِۦ لَنُبِذَ بِٱلْعَرَآءِ وَهُوَ مَذْمُومٌۭ. This was done, and afterwards Sahl recovered and left with the people having nothing wrong with him.”. 110. A man poured it over Sahl’s head and his back from behind him, then the container was turned upside down and emptied behind him. Whatever was forbidden in it was shunned and avoided by himself most of all. He was instructed to cast the evil eye on the Messenger of Allah ﷺ so that he would become ill. 76. Indeed, we are toward our Lord desirous.”, كَذَ‌ٰلِكَ ٱلْعَذَابُ ۖ وَلَعَذَابُ ٱلْءَاخِرَةِ أَكْبَرُ ۚ لَوْ كَانُوا۟ يَعْلَمُونَ. Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri said that he heard the Prophet saying. Then He created the second pen that is used by the inhabitants of the earth. Whomever God leads astray—you will never find for him a way. The word tilth probably has been used because in the garden there were also fields of crops in between the trees. How about when a disaster strikes them because what their hands have put forward, and then they come to you swearing by God: “We only intended goodwill and reconciliation”? Clarifies that it is rationally necessary that there should come a time when people will have to give account of their deeds, a place where the guilty ones will find no escape routes, an ideal world where there will be absolute justice and fair play, where good and evil will be clearly distinguished. Sayyidna ` Ubadah Ibn Samit ؓ narrates regarding the pen of destinies that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The first thing Allah created was the pen, and He told it to write, and when it asked Him what it should write, He told it to write what was predestined, so it wrote what would take place to all eternity.” [Transmitted by At-Tirmidhi, saying that this is a Tradition whose chain of narrators is gharib]. ” It has also been said, “They were from the people of Ethiopia whose father had left them this garden, and they were from the People of the Book. He said. 44-52 Those who do not believe in Allah’s revelations are led step by step towards destruction. And I will give them time. [68:19] Then, there whirled around it a whirl (of calamity) from your Lord, while they were asleep. In other words, when they did not find their garden on that spot, they first thought that they must have lost their way and gone to the wrong place. Forbidden for you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your paternal aunts, your maternal aunts, your brother's daughters, your sister's daughters, your foster-mothers who nursed you, your sisters through nursing, your wives' mothers, and your stepdaughters in your guardianship—born of wives you have gone into—but if you have not gone into them, there is no blame on you. God is Witness over all things. (Did I not tell you, `Why do you not Tusabbihun’) Mujahid, As-Suddi and Ibn Jurayj all said that, (Why do you not Tusabbihun) this means “why do you not say, `If Allah wills”’ As-Suddi said, “Their making exception due to the will of Allah in that time was by glorifying Allah (Tasbih).” Ibn Jarir said, “It is a person’s saying, `If Allah wills.”’ It has also been said that it means that the best of them said to them, “Did I not tell you, why don’t you glorify Allah and thank Him for what He has given you and favored you with”. Fear your Lord, who created you from a single soul, and created from it its mate, and propagated from them many men and women. It is witnessed by every person in this mortal world, and no one can deny, that the wicked, the evil, the unjust, the thieves and the bandits generally lead a comfortable and enjoyable life in the mortal world. The promise of God is true—and who is more truthful in speech than God? (Verily, we have gone astray.) (Read! 38. Burning and blackening the skins! 37. God is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. Nothing remained for them.” Allah then says. Shall I inform you of the people of the Fire Every `Utul (cruel person), Jawwaz and arrogant person.) No doubt, we were wrongdoers.” 68:29). 24. In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. 104. They wish that you would soften [in your position], so they would soften [toward you]. The pagans of Arabia were enemies of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and in every possible way they were after persecuting him and killing him. Then he recited. After fulfilling any bequest and paying off debts. There’s no one right way to do this, each person has a different learning style so you should do whatever is most effective for you. Truly, we hope in our Lord.) God’s goodness towards you is great. What is [the matter] with you? In verse [35] Allah poses the rhetorical question to the disbelievers: ‘Shall We make the obedient like the sinners? They profess obedience, but when they leave your presence, some of them conspire something contrary to what you said. 34-47 continuously, the disbelievers have been admonished, in which the address sometimes turns to them directly and sometimes they are warned through the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace). Surah Ash Sharh 95. 100. And all married women, except those you rightfully possess. All glory belongs to God. God is Guardian enough. Whoever rejects God, His angels, His Books, His messengers, and the Last Day, has strayed far in error. Along with this, Allah gave him the exalted character, which included the qualities of modesty, kindness, bravery, pardoning, gentleness and every other good characteristic.

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