worst star trek next generation character

I think of Scott Bakula as more of a "leading man" kind of guy, rather than a true actor/performer (i.e. Should not be on this list . 5. very bad actor, but i liked his character anyway. Many of these characters especially Riker. He was devious yet subtle, he had a multi-dimensional personality and most importantly he was believable. At least Nelix cooked and did that stupid little Nelix dance. Easily the best captain of all the star trek shows. Except for his relationship with Kes that was difficult to watch. The writers may have handled the character poorly, but the idea of a young super-genius on the ship is compelling...why wouldn't the officers make full use of his abilities? Why in the world she didn't tell that child to be quite before it reached that point, I will never understand. She of all the picks had absolutely no value or purpose. Made him a lot warmer. Her worst moment came when Miles cane back from his simulated 20 years in prison. One of the best characters in all Star treks. Much better match for Kira than Shakaar (wtf??) Imagine what the feminists would say if it was Nelix who gained the super powers and dumped Kes. He occasionally pesters Benjamin Sisko and Kathryn Janeway. WAY WAY cooler than Neelix though. God they were dull. I don't think Geordi should be on this list. I know there are many of the more real nerdy Trekkies that don't like him. Wesley was a great character, Wheaton was a terrible actor. i would add anyone who ever grabbed someone's ear claiming their pah was strong.....each time worth 100 points on this list! Absolute worst Star Trek character of all time. They are just a way to paramount and his family money. Also fun: watch the episode with Aquiel and see if you can count how many times he says "hey pooch" when they first find the dog. Should be first on the list. so i would like to add my worst characters: Producers and writers who don't think their stories through to the end...and tuvok is only a small example for such behaviour. It's just that, (to me anyway) it came across as someone reading cue cards with every line. I like avery jones, but his acting is simply awful. Garak is the bomb. Ladies, stick together. I guess the only thing a space hobo is good for is taste testing alien foods so it doesn't kill the rest of the useful members of the crew. She was a horrible individual, mean and cruel to everyone, insanely irresponsible, and even managed to edge out Neelix and Janeway as my least favorite Voyager character. How could you not like ANY of them? Those were absolutely awful. That would be awful. and prize-winning stupid tit. Brent Spiner is an actor who famously played Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Quark was phantastic! I always liked Wesley, in fact when I watched TNG in it's first airing, he was my favorite. I liked Voyager, but I spaced the Captain after the first few episodes. in later seasons) was far darker and brooding than I think Bakula could realistically portray. Plus he had cosmetic surgery on his ridges after the first season and for some reason wore a sash. I am angry! Are there asian vulcans too? terrible acting, great writing. Glad no one commented badly on this one :D. Wtf was this romance with Kira?? He actually did a better job with his character than a great number of the regulars in (name a series). Anyway, I remember Andrew Robinson talking about his character and how ambiguous he was and decided to make him gay. Some casting agent spaz had to make Voyager as Captain Planet as possible. She has two moves: the pompous "I'm so proud of what just happened", and the "WTF did you just say look". Absolutely the worst character ever. Dour, constant posturing, generally humorless and stubborn. That comment isn't personal, just an observation. Remember when he had that beach date on the holodeck and he created a gay pirate to play the violin? He just sucked. plus visitor's acting is fab. Sometimes they had him go overboard with the technobabble, but he was a great character with a great personality. Quark was a wonderful character that grew throughout the series. Every moment he was on screen was agony. at first i thought she was kind of hot, but its amazing how quickly that dissapears when you have a horrible personality. who cares if it was blatant sexuality that the writers had in mind to grab the attention of us 'boys' (men, too!)? The snooziest and most annoying characters ever in this great sci-fi franchise. Janeway be the first female captain we got, to see had a very human side. I never really thought of him as a huge part of the show and was surprised to find out he was a regular in 4 seasons. Not one to leave any part of the animal to waste; the character archetypes pop up again, essentially unchanged, as Riker and Troi on Star Trek: The Next Generation. And then I started watching more, and more, and more, and realized he was saving the Enterprise every freakin' episode. And I don't mean that as racist, Its just kind of made me wonder how an alien species developed the same races as humans. Aahhhh no Geordi (he's so awesome!) As bad as Ezri might have been, Wesley's sheer douchebaggery is reason enough to put him at the top. I skipped most of them after I couldn't take anymore. Haven't you never noticed", Indeed,...and besides the rank unbelievability was her 'superhuman' grasp of the COMPLETELY obvious!...for example: SITUATION: random (let's say 'Klingon') enemy ship captain grunts loudly over the viewing screen about his sheer hatred for Picard and crew while rocking the ENTERPRISE silly with phasers and torpedos et al....Troi (with her near 'supernatural' Betazoid wisdom chimes in something like "Captain, I sense anger from the Klingon ship"......In MY ending: 'DATA' to PICARD: 'Captain, would you like me to escort the useless counsellor to the nearest starboard airlock for oxygen deprivation training'?'. He's great. Shinzon made it even worse. He and O'Brien had the best bromance in Star Trek history! don't blame him. never looks at the brightside of things! a.k.a. I liked the idea of a "whoops, the symbiont got put into someone who isn't among the highest echelons of trill society." So inconsistent. hated her. The only reason I ever like Harry Kim was because almost all the other Voyager characters sucked. Unfortunately, the extreme overuse of the hugely softened lense tends to make that slight bit of insight irrelevant. TOO MUCH OVERACTING. The whole 'mother figure' and morality speeches even surpass Troi's nagging of always reminding us of our 'feelings', like we're in some self-help seminar. Jeri Ryan is a phenomenal actress. Didn't think I would like them -- but they ended up being pretty badass. Troi was often critical to the mission. Click on up and down arrows to affect item's ranking. He just wanted to get home and be a great officer...He was a good character and NOT deserving of this rating..Tom and Harry were a team, harry grew very well with the show, in the end he could have captained his own ship. The ONLY other actor that has such an inability to act, and convey emotions was Garret Wang. Bearing in mind just watched shed loads of episodes...says it all. but post-beard he was such a pimp with the ladies. Seriously too much nicey-nice-come-talk-to-my-chuffing-frog-spirit-guide or whatever But he was better in Krull. Uppity Cripple, how more annoying can you get. What!??? they realized after a couple of seasons how WORTHLESS he was and he was hurting the franchise. When Kes left, the should have killed off Neelix as well. But other than that she was ok. Plus rumor has it Kate Mulgrew almost quit when she came on. Wooden. I know he was going more for a military style character, at least in terms of making himself respected. That was one misplaced Klingon. Otherwise he was just taking up space by being boring. He always had this "Yeehaw" thing going. It's like you would get aggressive towards someone giving you gas mask in a toxic environment. I'm not saying being gay is a bad decision, just the darker theme of DS9. love hate. Ezri and Wesley should find their way to the nearest airlock asap, I think he was great. Worst Indian ever (from some sort of space colony too.....? The 15 Best Worst Episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series ... plus the story itself and Lansing’s character are simply not that interesting. ya but Jadzia dax was bad too i dident like ether of them. I stand that bug eyed stare of hers and the fact that she's in literally every scene and her character was written as a big know-it-all. Garak and Andrew J. Robinson rock my world!!! That's a mistake.. totally should be number one... maybe number two. That famoous line, often attributed to comedian W.C. Fields, suggests that working with children or animals tends to be unpredictable, and therefore, much more stressful than working with adult actors. The reason Dukat was such a good villain was because like real people, no one is 100% evil. I can't think of too many times this character actually succeeded at anything and many when his hormones almost cost the crew the ship. Supposedly the cool ex-con. The best moment was attacking one of the guards from Judge Q. What are people thinking? Most of the TNG movies lacked good villains and plots anyway. She is so hot and confident I want her to own me. A Kingon kid. He was basically a space hobo who lived out of his car (i.e. I hated her character straight through TNG and even worse on DS9 In later episoded he was an all knowing punk smart ass. take a pill and chill Sisko not only deserves to be on this list, he should be at number 1. yes yes we all LOVE '7' (doctor was very interesting as well) ... but the rest of the characters were GARBAGE ... i almost never watched any episodes that didn't feature '10' (i mean '7') ... LOL, Kate mulgrew I think did a fine job. "Tell me your feelings." Like all the other crew members did not care about getting back home. Does that even require explanation? Reminds me of Keanu Reeves, but then even more horrible. All he ever did was disagree with his dad and complain. Prancing around with her big boobs. Maybe the only character (with Tasha) that I do not see ANY positive sides. The only problem I had with the space battles were there should have been much more scoring on the hull of the Enterprise! I don’t hate an entire species of animal…I hate that cat,” Spiner joked in the interview, referring to his feline co-star from The Next Generation. Annoying for sure, but because that's the way they were supposed to be. You loved him and hated him at the same time, the perfect villain. Geordi was a brilliant character...Unless it was one of those episodes where it was about how shockingly bad he was with women. Best Hanna-Barbera Cartoons - previous toplist, The Strongest/Best Women in Science Fiction/Fantasy - next toplist. I cannot even watch this scenes. I seriously thought she was going to be the "Red Shirt" in the first ep, but no... so glad when she was killed off, so sad when she tried to write herself back into the series, so glad when it didn't happen. Go Porthos, Go! He was also one the more multidimensional characters. She would've made a better character if she had a smaller part. And... he... talks... haltingly. I'm not a fan of Mr. Crusher, but I think he's not THAT bad... at least, he got better as the series went on. Bit variation never hurts ! Shouldn't be on this list. Lwaxana was great, and her voice is the damn computers of most every star trek. Troi is the mistress of stating the obvious and SO annoying. Always typical that he knew all the answers to questions that so called Starfleet Academy graduates working on the Enterprise could not answer. Move over, Scotty. That had to be fun. LOL, could you imagine Pulaski with Picard in "Attached"?! That is how less she impressed me with her performance. Other than the comments I'd have no idea who he is. Sisko was bad ass! And great acting job. I don't know; I always found him likeable in a very bland sort of way. First of all, the federation is a communist utopia ilby Picard's time, and nazi is pretty much the exact opposite. And the actor played both parts a little too well, pretty sure he isn"t that good. He should number 1,000,000,000,000,000 on the list. They simply didn't give him sufficient screen time to develop the character. Jadzia was gorgeous. Ro's an awesome character and I liked how she was the more feisty sort of type. Because Geordi was interested in any woman who could stand to be in the same room with him for more than five minutes. She shouldn't be on this list. While all this does not in its self make her the worst character it does add her to the list of Star Trek characters similar to her that all add up to the worst character (Keiko, Troi, Hoshi, Kira and many, many guest characters). Easily the worst character, ever. Her character was OK, though not as strong as Jadzia Dax. The actress and Burton had no chemistry. In fact, another source says there were even more cats who acted as “Spot” for the show. Wasted potential. He represents a melding of sociological real world views and traits. Anyway I thought Wesley Crusher made a good contributions to TNG. She always stood too close to people, and always had to touch everyone. Sometimes as well especially in the early series they would send him on away missions on his own and they'd turn into completely boring over technical brain melters. All the emissary stuff was rubbish,but he was good at his normal role as a captain/commander. Geordi was awesome! Any more boring, and he definitely would have been invisible for the show! Such a relief she didn't accept to go for DS9! As much as I really really like Michael Dorn, his personification od Worf didn't appeal to me at all. Hold on Captain, let me realign the phase couplings with a tachyon pulse that might reverse the polarity on the warp cores quantum generators therefore making a energy field in which the ship will be safe to enter the nubula. I always thought he remained rather flat throughout the entire TNG series and even more so on DS9. She wasn't the one who bailed on the final season of DS9. Useless and annoying, should be much higher on the list. lol you're all jealous because she is hotter and a better actor then jadzia. Nobody else had a sash. The Marquis were so lame. Out the airlock with her! But that one episode, A Night In Sickbay, was stupid, boring, and Archer's dreams of T'Pol were creepy and unnecessary. "I'm sensing some aggression." And you called him a "tit" which makes me think you're probably English. All she ever did was sit around and talk about feelings. I always thought this was more a case of miscasting than merely annoying character development; I found the Archer character to be pretty interesting when I thought about him separate from the actor who portrayed him. No character development whatsoever. 7 and the doctor were the only two characters worth watching on that lame series... No way does Sisko deserve to be on this list. The bottom of the barrel of Star Trek characters. I want to attach her to a photon torpedo and fire her into the nearest star, worst ever! I suspect because there I'm jealous or have some mental issues like Sheldon Cooper lol. Captain Kathryn Janeway's obnoxious first officer. She's a necessity. Her incredibly flat profile makes for terrible TV. Only there to make Odo mad. I think even if they hadn't kept playing off the genetically engineered thing his last seasons would have been better. Bam! Having a ship's counselor was not a bad idea. Reallly bad acting. The blandest of the bland. Didn't care for her either. Beverly Crusher is! But he has no place in the Star Trek series and I hated every scene where he was present. Respectable character arc throughout series. The writers had nothing for her nothing! Always almost getting a panik attack. Her mannerisms, her love for space hobo Neelix, her voice, her idiotic lifespan, all of it awful. What? Again the general public does not agree with me. I liked Ezri. Now that was some extremely bad acting! Alexander isn't an annoying character. Shouldn't be on this list. A better actor I think could have made this a really great character (and likely carried this series beyond 4 seasons). And Frakes just isn't that hot. Just wondering. The Kazon on the other hand............... (Let's just say I understand why the Borg deemed the species unworthy of assimilation....). I don't know how he could be considered a bad character, especially when he was so fun to watch. But, in certain episodes it was. His smiles at best are half-hearted or worse, patronizing. Worst pile of acting shite I’ve ever seen in my life. She completely lacks any compassion for any alien(OR human) life. Still think that Deep Space 9 was a horrible series. Odo was too good for her. Best captain of them all. Agreed, with the possible exception of Doctor Pulaski. Then there was the swashbuckling, devil-may-care Captain Kirk. After the first Episode in Generations shes in you think na ill never see her again thell figure it out and then shes back. Loved Picard.....he brought us Patrick Stewert, great actor...... Stewart is a good actor, and he shines out well among the mostly mediocre acting skills of the remaining TNG cast. Ricker was rock solid. Robert Beltran hated the character, and it showed in the performance. Brass knucks for Janeway? Would go annoying and less annoying when Kes came in the room. Lol. One of the best in Sci-fi. Worst Star Trek EVER, worst captain ever. I know this was supposed to be about Aquiel, but I was just reminded of how much I hate Geordi and his hair clip "visor". he sure isnt mr.sunshine. Like Puck except without the wit. On that show beverly crusher even gave her a run for her money on hottness...hell a 5 and a 6 is the best they could do? The actress couldn't act and the character was pointless. Watch all of Spot’s appearances in the supercut above, and observe how the cat’s appearance (and even gender) are changed over the course of the series. An almost omniscient being that has nothing better to do than pester Jean-Luc Picard. Really bad choice Janeway made. Very likeable, and the best engineer to ever grace Starfleet. They COULD have done a lot more with her. When Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) began its run as a television series, it did so at well below warp speed. You change one letter in his name and you can't help but smile when they say his name. Yes she was an irritating tool. A horrid character. Few people were more useless. Comment and share: The five worst Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes EVER! Glad to see she's up here with a lot of votes. He must know someone powerful in Hollywood. You had the cool, and logical Mr. Spock. Bashir is one of my favorite characters. Showed some good aspects. A confused child, trying to live up to a legacy left by her predecessors. Neelix and Kes were the two worst characters to ever grace Star Trek. Please tell me they're not trying to replace Paul Walker with "Jeep"! Of course that show has it's own problems with "Jeep" as one of the main characters. Eww when she says to the real o'brian "I bet you cant wait for desert (sex stuff)" she twist her neck and show all of her teeth and crunsh her nose and breathe and groan like "herrrrgggghhnfa" was so gross and nerd, and all the while while in 10-frontward. Really annoying character and voice.Also having a female captain was/is crazy. Yep. He's no worse than Harry Kim, even in the difference. If you think about this future where everyone is a freakin' genius (by today's standards) it is interesting to see them include a character who was a genius/prodigy by 23rd century standards. Anyone know who I'm talking about. My god, she was the epitome of sexy repressed librarian; remember, she hooked up with Worf for hot violent sex! She made sense. Terrrrrible acting. Why did LaForge fall for her? Noone channel surfing will stop to watch Kira or Jadzia. Her being this high up proves she did her job that well in my eyes. Molly was pestering Miles to look at her drawing, and Keiko just sat there looking stupidly between the two of them. Sour, bitter, angry at the prophets and her people for not seeing what she had done for them and the sacrifices she made. If anyone listened to me -- we would be watching 7 seasons of Firefly right now --- Way to kill the franchise Bakula. She was an idiot of a captain, always making the wrong descision. Really awful. Two words to explain her presence in the Star Trek universe: BOSS' WIFE..... Lwaxana gets more and more predatory with each episode. it's even hard to just look at her and her hideous face. People are often too hard on Ezri. When he was sitting in the bath tub with all of the replicated foods, and Tuvok was standing outside disgustedly, I thought, "wow, this guy has an interesting personality." HORRIBLE character Kes and the Okampa were equally useless. I don't know. He is the most badass captain of all the series!!!! Troi should be #1 most annoying. Network executives do not like that. Poor Deanna. She even made Wesley Crusher look awesome, She shouldnt be number one just because we all should know neelix was the worst longest running character on star trek in general..Neelix was ten times more annoying than wesley or ezri ..The only time I liked him was the Tuvix episode where he was melted away into tuvok..it was quite funny, She's the worst character in DS9, completely useless and really whinny. Ugh. Lor SUCKED!! Geordi was cool. But when you actually make a reference in later material that said dog has disappeared in a freak accident, you know nobody likes him. as far as i can recall he never really pulled off any real cool stunt. A lot of his scenes are basically unwatchable, he ruined DS9. I always found episodes that centered around him as some of the most annoying ones. 10 worst Star Trek episodes, according to the fans ... and including the pointless and frustrating death of a main character. Valjean!?! Though the recast Kirk, Spock and the like bare little semblance to their classic incarnations, for the writers, penning a story with at least marginally recognizable characters becomes much easier. I'm not sure if was the producers that wanted that style of acting or something he did, but for Enterprise, his acting was horrible. And the Emissary of the Prophets. You're just mad that Even a great man like Picard pretended to be French because he was so ashamed of his English ancestors. I will agree with Ezri and wesley but as for your other names it seems you despise every voyages character even though many peoplke like me loved voyager above all others..Harry was a good character, tuvok was one of my favorites..Quark and worf shoudln't be on this list, quark was one of my favorite top 5 characters in the star trek series and worf i san icon in the series...I enjoyed sisko until the whole emissary thing took over, wynn was horrible but it was her job to be..In my opinion it would be Neelix(I hate neelix) Ezri. Personally, I loved ALL of w different Star Trek shows. He certainly does evoke strong feelings. And that's supposed to be the security officer? She should not be on this list. She obviously didn't quit, but just by giving her incentive to go is enough for me to say, "Bravo Seven, Bravo!". Two terrible mistakes with one stone! I hated him. It seems to me that all of you complainers are looking in the mirror at yourselves. Even smiling at his daughter or wife was not really believable. What is Picard supposed to say ? Archer was the worst and that Klingon chick ugh! by advanced paper shuffling? Her role, acting and depth are all fairly shallow however. given the overall climate of vulcan i would have expected any vulcan to be black or (because of different biological sun-protection than humans have) none...unless of course vulcan once had a more earth-like nature with different zones but for all i saw it was very much a giant desert-ball with some blobs of water. This dude banged Major Kira outside the Trekverse. He's awesome, way cooler than Kirk. Pitiful. Also, people who have done the most egregious acts in history, have done so, because they think they're actually right and doing the world a service! Perfect chemistry with Kira. READ NEXT: Alexander Siddig Claims This DS9 Star’s Brother was a Spy & He Could be Right, Brent Spiner on the Worst Performer on ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’, Copyright © 2021 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. Its why the show never worked. Nice looking lady for her age. You guys are really oversimplifying things. Kate Mulgrew's acting just made her character worse. He's one of the WORST actors, male or female ever and he continues to get work. The crossword clue possible answer is available in 4 letters.This answers first letter of which starts with D and can be found at the end of A. She's the reason I rarely watch season 7. This is insanity. He might be in my top ten, actually. Let's face it, this show sucked. His episodes were some of the best, the absolute megalomania and superiority that Marc Alaimo pulled off was phenomenal acting. Duh. i never saw why exactly he was a bad ass. Matt Goldberg ranks the Star Trek movies from 1979's The Motion Picture through The Next Generation films and through 2016's Star Trek Beyond. Bell teas! Pulaski was a throwback to a more country kind of doctor, like Bones. I saw her say that in a TV interview. I find her useless and her personality repels me.

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